What Should Christians Do About The Chinese Dragon?

When I was growing up in Singapore, the Chinese dragon held a significant place in our family’s tradition. One of my first paintings, as a child, was a Chinese dragon which my father proudly hung on the wall of our living room. It’s not just our family but many Asian families are obsessed with the idea of having a benevolent dragon blessing them. The Chinese people are so in love with the dragon that we like to be known as “Descendants of the Dragon (龙的传人).

This year (2024), is a “Dragon Year”. This is an ancient idea rooted steeply in the Chinese zodiac system that consists of a 12-year cycle, with each year associated with a specific animal. The dragon holds a special place as one of the most revered animals in Chinese culture. It is believed to be a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. Dragons are associated with the emperor and are seen as auspicious creatures.

Those Chinese babies born in the Year of the Dragon are believed to possess exceptional qualities and are often held in high regard. This reverence for the dragon has been deeply ingrained in Chinese culture and passed down through generations.

Back in 1984, when I was first appointed an Assistant Pastor, in the “Ship Series” currency notes of Singapore, the 50-dollar note featured a depiction of a dragon. At that time, because of this dragon design, some Christians refused to have the 50-dollar notes in their wallets. As for me, I told these friends that I was willing to have all their 50-dollar notes if they were afraid to hold on to them.

In this article, I will explore the origins and diverse interpretations of the Chinese dragon and understand the concerns that some Christians have regarding its compatibility with Christianity.

The Composite Nature of the Chinese Dragon
Unlike the dragons found in Western mythology, the Chinese dragon is a composite creature, incorporating features of various animals. It typically has the head of a camel, the ears of an ox, the body of a serpent, the scales of a fish, the claws of an eagle, the antlers of a deer, and the eyes of a demon. This amalgamation of different animals symbolizes the dragon’s ability to embody different powers and attributes, making it a revered and complex symbol in Chinese culture. So, strictly speaking, the Chinese dragon does not exist in reality except in the imagination of the Chinese people.

Origins and Cultural Significance
The Chinese dragon has a history that dates back thousands of years, and it is deeply intertwined with Chinese mythology, folklore, and spiritual beliefs. The early Chinese who descended from one of the sons of Noah were worshippers of one God. In time, they moved away from that worship and they embraced animistic beliefs that recognized the spiritual essence of various creatures. Animals were seen as more than mere physical beings; they were believed to possess spiritual qualities and powers. This belief system led to the attribution of symbolism and reverence to certain animals, such as dragons. The Chinese dragon was believed to bring rain, ensuring bountiful harvests and prosperity for the people. It was also seen as a protector, guarding against evil spirits and bringing good fortune.

Are All Dragons The Same?
The serpent who is the “great red dragon” mentioned in the Bible, held a prominent and benevolent position in various ancient cultures. In Egypt, it symbolized protection and served as a guardian for the pharaohs. Greeks regarded serpents as protectors against evil, associated them with good fortune, healing, and fertility, and linked them to the symbol of Asclepius, the God of Medicine.

World Health Organization logo featuring the Aesculapian Rod, 

In India, snakes were seen as guardians of sacred places, bringing luck and fertility. The Celts associated serpents with wisdom, healing, rebirth, and feminine power. Native Americans also revered snakes for their connection to fertility, healing, and renewal. In Mesoamerica, serpents were powerful beings, and the feathered serpent was a significant deity. The Naga snake even sheltered the meditating Buddha in Buddhism. These cultures embraced the serpent as a symbol of positive attributes and celestial protection.

Are Dragons Really Benevolent Creatures?
Here are several reasons why many consider the dragon to be a benevolent being.
Firstly, when Satan took control of the world system, he introduced the serpent or dragon symbol as a representation of his benevolence. Soon, many cultures began to worship him through the serpent or dragon idols. He has succeeded in becoming a temporary god for the people to worship.
Secondly, throughout history, Chinese folklore has developed numerous stories depicting dragons as benevolent creatures. These tales have ingrained in people the belief that serpents and dragons are friendly beings. As the serpent is connected to the natural world, such as its association with water and fertility, contributed to its positive symbolism in these cultures.
Thirdly, Another aspect worth mentioning is that snakes and dragons are often associated with qualities related to life and renewal. This association stems from their unique ability to shed their skin, symbolizing a process of rejuvenation and transformation.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier, some ancient mythologies featured serpents as wise and knowledgeable beings, often associated with healing, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. Such positive attributes could have influenced the perception of serpents as benevolent creatures in these ancient cultures.

Christian Perspectives and Concerns
From a Christian standpoint, many believers find it challenging to embrace the Chinese dragon as a symbol compatible with our Christian faith. Christianity strictly advocates monotheism, the belief in a single God, and discourages the worship or veneration of any other entities. Therefore, the ancient symbolism and mystical attributes associated with the Chinese dragon can be viewed as conflicting with our Christian teachings.

Respecting Cultural Diversity and Understanding:
While Christians may have reservations about embracing the Chinese dragon as a symbol, it is crucial to approach cultural differences with respect and understanding. Appreciating the cultural significance of the dragon to the Chinese people does not necessarily mean compromising our faith. It is possible to acknowledge and learn about our former cultures while remaining steadfast in our Christian beliefs.

Having said that, it is important to show our Christian faith with our love, faith, and hope. Merely engaging in traditional practices of visitation, giving of oranges, exchanging gifts, tossing of yusheng, exchanging the traditional greetings, and giving or receiving angpows with dragon motifs does not imply participation in evil. We should not allow the symbolism of the dragon to have a controlling influence over us.

Personally Speaking
Even though the Chinese dragon may be deemed benevolent to the Chinese culture, I recommend that we as believers avoid identifying with it. However, it is important to approach the situation with love and consideration. When someone gives me a gift or an angpow with a dragon motif, I humbly accept it. Even on social media such as through WhatsApp and Telegram, many believers sent me cliparts and emojis that have dragon motifs. I did not reject them. I receive all the greetings by faith, whether there are dragon motifs or not. Being gracious and kind is the best testimony for the glory of God.

I know of many young believers who may find the dragon motif to be troubling. To present a good Christian testimony, we should avoid wearing clothes with dragon motifs or using symbols of the dragon to decorate our homes. Out of love and respect for their conscience, we should choose not to give angpows with dragon motifs, understanding that they may cause discomfort or conflict.

It’s important to create an environment where we respect and care for one another first rather than just being legalistic and showing harsh disapproval of the dragon motifs. This means that at all costs, we should consider how others feel and adjust our actions if needed. When we act with love, we prioritize the well-being of those around us. By being kind and considerate, we help build a society where everyone feels included and valued.

How To Strengthen Your Mind’s Defense System Against Spiritual Attacks

During the recent Israel-Hamas conflict, the Hamas militants used various missiles to attack cities and towns in Israel. However, Israel has a defense system called the Iron Dome that was able to stop and destroy many of these missiles. The Iron Dome uses special technology to track enemy missiles and shoot them down before they can cause harm. This helped protect the people of Israel and reduce the damage caused by the attacks.

As Christians, we are under constant spiritual attacks and it’s usually in the mind. Just as the Iron Dome defended Israel against hostile missiles, it’s important to have a spiritual defense system in our minds to combat tempting thoughts from the devil.

The Battle for the Mind
Our minds are often considered the battleground for the devil because they play a crucial role in our thoughts, beliefs, and decision-making processes. The mind is where our attitudes, desires, and intentions originate. It is the place where we process information, form opinions, and make choices. The devil knows that if he can influence our thoughts and beliefs, he can impact our actions and faith. That is why he and his minions are working overtime to weaken our minds with ungodly thoughts, doubts, fears, and sinful desires.

More than one church member shared with me about their backsliding experience. One sister said that even though at that time, she wore a necklace with a cross and attended church occasionally, she was committing fornication with different men. Another brother left the faith because he felt that God did not answer his prayer for a particular job position that he desired. Yet another brother said that he loved the wild parties and nightlife, so much so that he left the faith for almost 20 years. The testimonies of being tempted by the devil are many. Thankfully, all these believers were spiritually revived and today, serving faithfully in the Church.

Since we know that the mind is the battleground of the enemy, how are we going to fortify our minds against the attacks of the enemy?

How can we build a resilient spiritual “Iron Dome” to safeguard our thoughts and protect our spiritual well-being?

Let us explore how Satan tempts our minds, drawing insights from Scripture and stories that reveal his strategies:

The Power of Deception:
First, we have to acknowledge that the devil is the master of deception and a master deceiver, who seeks to distort truth and lead people astray. He has many ways to present temptations that may seem appealing or harmless at first, but ultimately lead to our spiritual harm and separation from God.

Here are some common tactics he uses:

Distorting And Misinterpreting: The devil twists the meaning of Scripture or promotes false ideas to confuse us and make us doubt what the Bible says. The devil distorted God’s words by asking Eve, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1). This question falsely implied that God had forbidden them from eating any fruit in the garden, which was not the case.

Creating Doubt: The devil wants us to question whether we can trust God’s Word. He may make us doubt its accuracy, relevance, or consistency. The devil directly contradicted God’s command by saying to Eve, “You will not surely die” (Genesis 3:4). By denying the consequences of disobedience, the devil cast doubt on the truthfulness of God’s warning

Tempting Us To Disobey: The devil tries to make us ignore or go against what the Bible teaches. He may suggest other ideas or lifestyles that go against God’s Word, appealing to our desires and what seems popular.
The devil appealed to Eve’s desires and presented the forbidden fruit as something desirable and beneficial. He said, “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). This subtle manipulation played on Eve’s curiosity and her longing for wisdom and power. The end result was that she and Adam were tempted to disobey God.

Persecution And Opposition: The devil may encourage others to treat us badly or oppose us when we follow God’s Word. This can include making fun of us, being mean, or even hurting us physically. There is an account in the New Testament of the apostle Paul being mocked for his faith. In Acts 17:16-34, Paul visited the city of Athens and engaged in discussions with various philosophers and intellectuals. When he preached about Jesus and the resurrection, some of the people mocked him, dismissing his teachings as foolishness. Paul, among many disciples who suffered for their faith, had to endure numerous hardships, including beatings, and imprisonments. Eventually, Paul was martyred, traditionally believed to have been beheaded in Rome.

Cultural Influences: The devil uses the ideas and beliefs of the world around us to make us question or reject what the Bible says. He may make popular ideas or ways of thinking seem more important than what God’s Word tells us. In 2 Timothy 4:10, the apostle Paul mentioned that Demas, who was previously a fellow worker had deserted him because he loved the present world. This suggests that Demas had fallen away from his commitment to the faith and was drawn to the cultural temptations of those days.

    Equipping Ourselves with God’s Word
    To begin strengthening our spiritual defense system, we have to equip ourselves with God’s Word. This is the most powerful and essential way to resist the deception and temptations of the devil. The Bible serves as a guide and a source of truth, providing us with wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. Here are a few reasons why relying on God’s Word is crucial in our spiritual battle:

    Truth and Discernment: The Word of God is a reliable and unchanging source of truth. It helps us recognize and discern the lies and deceptions of the devil. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we develop a solid foundation of truth that enables us to identify and reject false teachings or worldly ideologies.

    Spiritual Armor: The apostle Paul describes the Word of God as part of the spiritual armor in Ephesians 6:17. Just as a soldier wears armor for protection, God’s Word provides us with spiritual protection against the schemes of the devil. It strengthens our faith, guards our hearts and minds, and helps us stand firm in times of temptation.

    Guidance and Wisdom: The Bible offers guidance and wisdom for every aspect of life. It provides insights into God’s character, His will, and His ways. By studying Scripture, we gain understanding and discernment, enabling us to make wise decisions and navigate the challenges and temptations that come our way.

    Jesus’ Example: When Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11), He countered each temptation with the Word of God. Jesus quoted Scripture to resist the devil’s lies and affirm God’s truth. His example shows us the power and effectiveness of using God’s Word as a weapon against deception and temptation.

    Let Our Thoughts Be Under The Authority of Christ
    Paul encourages us to capture our thoughts and bring them under the authority of Christ: “Our weapons are not physical, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

    By comparing Satan’s lies with God’s truth in the Bible, we can prevent them from taking hold in our minds and becoming strongholds. The truth of God’s Word serves as a powerful weapon to dismantle false arguments and align our thoughts with Christ.

    Psalm 119:11 declares, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” By memorizing and meditating on Scripture, we can combat the enemy’s lies.

    Seeking Accountability and Prayer
    In the battle against temptation, we should not face it alone. It is crucial to surround ourselves with fellow believers who can hold us accountable and provide support. James 5:16 encourages us to confess our sins to one another and pray for each other, for prayer is a powerful tool in overcoming temptation and guarding our minds.

    1. Understand that we’re in a spiritual battle, and the devil tries to tempt us.

    2. Use God’s Word to protect our minds.

    3. Ask God for help to understand how the enemy works.

    4. Trust God’s wisdom to know what is true and what is not.

    5. Equip ourselves with God’s armor. Read and study God’s Word for protection.

    6. Through Christ, we gain strength to overcome difficulties.

    What is Lectio Divina and How It Will Benefit Us Today

    Lectio Divina, derived from Latin meaning “divine reading,” is an ancient Christian practice that fosters a prayerful and contemplative approach to engaging with Scripture. Rooted in monastic traditions, it has been cherished by believers for centuries to cultivate a profound connection with God through the study of His Word. Many believers may not be aware of the practice of Lectio Divina or may not have been exposed to it, especially within the Evangelical churches. If individuals are not introduced to the practice or educated about its benefits, they are unlikely to engage in it.To begin, we learn that the practice of Lectio Divina typically involves four key steps:

    Lectio (Reading): This step involves selecting a passage of Scripture and reading it slowly and attentively. The purpose is to listen and receive the words of the text without rushing or analyzing. You have to relax and seek to “experience” the passage. It’s not a bible study.

    Meditatio (Meditation): In this step, you reflect on the words and phrases that stood out during the reading. The aim is to ruminate on the meaning and message of the text, allowing it to resonate deeply within your spirit.

    Oratio (Prayer): Here, you respond to the Scripture passage through prayer. This step involves expressing your thoughts, emotions, and desires to God. This prayer is prompted by the insights that you have gained from the reading and meditation.

    Contemplatio (Contemplation): The final step is a period of silent contemplation. It is a time for your being to be still before God. This practice of silence and stillness is a tough one for most modern believers. Learn to open your whole being to the presence of Jesus, and allow Him to speak and work in your heart.

    Engaging in Lectio Divina can benefit us in several ways today:

    Deepening our Relationship with God: I have discovered that Lectio Divina allows me to have a personal and intimate encounter with God through His Word. I am not studying the Word but engaging God Himself. It helps me draw near to the Lord and ultimately, cultivate a deeper relationship with Him. Throughout the day, I have this sense of connection and communion with the Lord.

    Nourishing our Spiritual Life: By engaging with Scripture prayerfully and reflectively, I have gone beyond mere bible study. Lectio Divina allows me to receive spiritual insights, wisdom, and guidance from God’s Word. My faith has been strengthened because of the spiritual sustenance provided by this approach.

    Developing a Listening Ear: In our fast-paced and noisy world, Lectio Divina teaches us to slow down. Being a busy pastor, I too have to learn how to slow down and listen attentively to God’s voice. Lectio Divina helps me develop a receptive posture, thus enabling me to discern the leading and direction, not only in my life but also of my Church’s life.

    Growing in Scripture Understanding: Through the practice of Lectio Divina, unlike what I had learned in seminary, I actually gained a deeper understanding of the meaning and message of the Bible. It allows me to engage with Scripture experientially and that is a more holistic and transformative way, going beyond mere intellectual comprehension.

    Cultivating Inner Peace and Stillness: This is the best part – Lectio Divina provides me with a space for inner peace, stillness, and contemplation. I get to rest in the sweet presence of the Lord. I find solace in His Word, and experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.

    In summary, Lectio Divina is a powerful spiritual practice that helps us engage with Scripture in a prayerful and contemplative manner. It deepens our relationship with God, nourishes our spiritual life, develops our ability to listen to His voice, enhances our understanding of Scripture, and cultivates inner peace and stillness. By incorporating Lectio Divina into our daily lives, we can experience greater spiritual growth and intimacy with God.

    Here is a video lesson by Rev Grace Kang-Ong on Lectio Divina

    Rev Grace Kang-Ong offers a valuable teaching on Lectio Divina, guiding individuals in this ancient practice of sacred reading. Her video provides practical steps and insights, enabling participants to engage with scripture deeply, reflectively, and prayerfully. It is a transformative resource for those desiring a richer spiritual connection. Listen to this encouraging message by Rev Grace Kang-Ong and be blessed. Rev Grace Kang-Ong is one of the founding Pastors of FaithLine International Ministries. She is the Assistant Coordinator of Elijah Challenge Asia, a Director of the Healing Encounter Ministry, a Board Member of Foursquare Malaysia, and also one of the Regional Representatives of Haggai.

    Some Practical Ways To Make Purposeful Decisions In The New Year

    As Christians, we need to develop the skill of purposeful decision-making with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is a continuous journey that demands a deep understanding of ourselves as being created by God. It is also a continual thoughtful contemplation of our present existence and a deliberate approach to living in the present reality. To foster this valuable skill, let us explore a few tangible strategies that can help us cultivate purposeful decision-making in our everyday lives.

    Clarify your values and priorities: Invest the necessary time and effort to search your heart so as to identify and define your core values and priorities. God has given us assignments in our lives. Gain a deep understanding of what He wants you to do and be. What does He wants you to prioritize in your life? This clarity will serve as an invaluable compass, lighting the path as you navigate through life’s decisions.

    Set meaningful goals: Write clear, measurable, and purposeful goals that resonate with your values and long-term vision. Ask the Lord to help you establish well-defined objectives. He will empower you to make decisions that consistently align with your desired outcomes and His will. Nothing is more tragic than achieving something that God has never intended you to achieve.

    Seek wisdom and guidance: Embrace the wisdom of trusted mentors, advisors, or pastors, seeking their guidance and valuable insights. Their perspectives will enrich your decision-making process, offering diverse viewpoints and helping you consider a broader range of possibilities before making important choices.

    Practice mindfulness and self-reflection: Nurture a regular practice of mindfulness and introspection. Create space to pause, carefully assess your options, and contemplate the potential outcomes of your decisions. During this reflective process, draw wisdom from God’s Word, allowing its teachings to shape your values and guide your goals. By attuning your mind and heart to the principles found in Scripture, you can find clarity and discernment as you navigate the decision-making process.

    Consider long-term implications: When faced with decisions, carefully evaluate their potential long-term effects on multiple dimensions of your life. This will include relationships, career, health, and personal growth. What is God saying about this relationship? Is it glorifying His name or it will bring shame in the future? How about your career? How about your health and personal growth? Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in discerning the path before you. You have to always consider whether your decisions will bring honor or shame to God’s name. Reflect on how your choices align with your overarching vision and aspirations for the future. By adopting this comprehensive approach, you can make decisions that foster your overall well-being and align with your desired path, guided by the Lord.

    Listen to the inner voice: If you have been receiving the Word of God, and walking in obedience, you can trust your gut instincts and listen to your intuition. The Holy Spirit uses your conscience or your inner voice to guide you toward decisions that align not only with your deepest desires and values but with the will of God. By cultivating a receptive heart, you can discern the path that aligns with your deepest desires while remaining attuned to the voice of God.

    Evaluate pros and cons: Take a systematic approach by listing the pros and cons of each option. This exercise can help you weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of different choices and make a more informed decision. Grounded in a solid biblical understanding of God’s will, you will be equipped to discern genuine benefits from superficial ones, ensuring that your decision aligns with His divine guidance.

    Take small steps: Break down significant decisions into smaller, more manageable steps. This is so important because it will prevent you from being overwhelmed by the magnitude of the situation. By adopting this approach, you can evaluate the impact of each individual step. You can make necessary adjustments along the way. This method allows you to remain adaptable and responsive as you progress toward your ultimate goal.

    Embrace learning from mistakes: Recognize that not all decisions will yield perfect outcomes. Embrace the valuable opportunity to learn from mistakes or missteps. See them as stepping stones towards your growth and improvement. Embrace a mindset that acknowledges the inherent value of learning through experience, even the negative ones. Use these lessons as invaluable insights for future decision-making. Making mistakes is a natural part of the human journey, and it is through learning from them that we can continue to evolve and make wiser choices. Anyway, God allows mistakes.

    Trust in divine guidance: Place your unwavering trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who is ever-present and ready to provide wisdom and direction. Cultivate a consistent practice of seeking the Lord’s guidance through prayer, meditation, and intentional moments of seeking God’s intervention. By opening your heart to the presence of the Lord, you invite His clarity and peace to illuminate your path as you navigate purposeful decision-making. Embrace the love and wisdom of God, knowing that the Holy Spirit’s guidance will lead you toward choices that will align with your highest good and God’s will for your life.

    Embracing God’s Direction Instead of New Year’s Resolutions

    For many years, I had tried to embark on a new year with New Year’s resolutions to better myself. To be honest, I failed in achieving many of those resolutions and along the way, brought a lot of guilt to myself. However, now I believe that as Christians, we have a unique perspective towards New Year’s resolutions. Rather than relying on our own strength and resolutions, we are called to seek the Lord and trust in His guidance. In this article, let’s explore three key reasons why seeking the Lord surpasses the need for New Year’s resolutions.

    Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

    Entering the New Year is akin to God leading Abraham to the promised land of Canaan. Just as Abraham stepped into the unknown, leaving behind familiarity and comfort, we too are embarking on a journey of uncertainty in 2024.

    Like Abraham, we are called to trust in God’s guidance, even when the path is unclear. As we surrender our plans and desires to Him, He leads us into new territories, blessings, and growth. Just as Canaan held a future of fulfillment for Abraham, the New Year holds endless possibilities for us. With faith and obedience, we can step into the year ahead, knowing that God will faithfully lead us to our own promised land of purpose and blessings.

    Our human resolutions often come from our limited understanding, but seeking the Lord invites His divine wisdom and guidance. When we surrender our plans to Him and seek His will, He directs our paths in ways far beyond what we can imagine. Let us trust in His faithfulness and lean on His understanding rather than relying solely on our own efforts.

    Practical Steps: Spend Quality Time in Prayer – Set aside dedicated time each day to communicate with God. Share your thoughts, emotions, and desires with Him. Do the Handing-over prayer and listen attentively for His voice. Prayer is a vital channel of connection and intimacy with God. If you want to know where to go, pause and ask the One who has already been there.

    When we are in Christ, we become new creations. Instead of relying on fleeting resolutions, we have the privilege of experiencing God’s transformative power in our lives. Through seeking the Lord, He works within us, renewing our minds, transforming our hearts, and empowering us to live out His purposes. Our focus shifts from self-improvement to becoming more like Christ. And that is when our purpose and goals are being established.

    The transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly serves as a powerful illustration of the supernatural work of God in our lives. No matter how hard a caterpillar may strive, it cannot bring about such a remarkable metamorphosis on its own. It requires the mysterious and wondrous touch of God’s hand.

    Similarly, when we seek the Lord and invite His guidance, He begins a transformative process within us. Through His grace and power, He works in the depths of our being, reshaping us from the inside out. Our own efforts and striving are insufficient to bring about the profound growth and flourishing that God intends for us.

    Just as the caterpillar must surrender itself to the cocoon, we too must surrender ourselves to God’s transformative work. In His loving care, He shapes our character, renews our minds, and molds us into the image of Christ.

    Practical Steps: Engage in Regular Bible Study: Through the study of His Word, and obedience to His commands, we participate in this divine transformation. Make studying and meditating on God’s Word a priority. Read the Bible daily, seeking to understand its teachings, principles, and stories. Reflect on how it applies to your life and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and illumination.

    As we yield to God’s guidance, we will experience a remarkable journey of spiritual growth. Like the emergence of a butterfly from its cocoon, we are transformed into something beautiful, vibrant, and free. We gain new perspectives, develop godly virtues, and bear the fruits of the Spirit. So, instead of trying to fulfill our New Year’s resolutions, we simply bear the fruit of the Spirit.

    In the presence of the Lord, there is fullness of joy. Instead of striving to fulfill resolutions in our own strength, we can find true fulfillment and joy in God’s presence.

    In Isaiah 40:31, we read, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.”

    Eagles serve as a powerful symbol of strength and soaring above the earth. These majestic birds rely on the currents of the wind to effortlessly lift them high into the sky. Similarly, when we abide in the presence of the Holy Spirit, we discover a wellspring of renewed strength and the capacity to rise above our challenges. His presence becomes our source of sustenance, lifting us up when we feel weary and empowering us to navigate life’s difficulties with grace and resilience.

    Life’s trials and tribulations can be overwhelming, but when we fix our gaze on God and abide in His presence, we gain a newfound perspective. We begin to see our challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation. We discover that even in the midst of difficulties, God’s sustaining presence lifts us up above the storms, granting us the ability to soar with wings like eagles.

    Moreover, God’s presence empowers us to navigate life’s complexities with grace and resilience. In the New Year, as we dwell in His presence, we receive His wisdom, guidance, and inner fortitude. We find the strength to persevere, to make difficult decisions, and to press on in the face of adversity. His sustaining power equips us to overcome obstacles, endure hardships, and emerge victorious in the midst of life’s trials.

    Practical Step: Cultivate a Lifestyle of Worship, Solitude, and Mindfulness of God’s Presence:

    Build Up The Habit of Worship: Develop a habit of worshiping God not only during church services but also in your daily life. Offer Him praise, gratitude, and adoration throughout the day. Sing songs of worship, write your own songs and poems, or use creative expressions to worship Him.

    Seek His Presence in Solitude: Set aside moments of solitude to be alone with God. Find a quiet place where you can disconnect from distractions and simply be in His presence. Use this time for listening, reflecting, meditating, and experiencing His peace.

    Practice Mindfulness of God’s Presence: Throughout your day, practice being mindful of God’s presence with you. Remind yourself that He is always with you, guiding, comforting, and loving you. Constantly invite Him into your thoughts, decisions, and actions.

    By seeking God’s guidance, we find true direction in life. His wisdom and guidance help us navigate the complexities of our journey in 2024, providing clarity and purpose. Through His transforming power, we experience lasting change. God’s love and grace mold us into the image of Christ, renewing our minds and transforming our character. And in His presence, we find sustenance and strength. God’s unwavering presence sustains us in times of trial, lifts us up when we are weary, and empowers us to overcome challenges with resilience. By embracing these truths, we can live a victorious life in 2024, marked by divine guidance, transformation, and the abiding presence of our Heavenly Father.

    Understanding Generational Curses – Part 3 (The Danger of Witch Hunt)

    Have you heard of the Salem witch hunt? Back in 1692, in the village of Salem, Massachusetts, a group of young girls claimed that they were possessed by the devil. Those girls, in their hysterical fits, saw in their “visions” that they were bewitched by some villagers. All the accused were arrested as witches, tortured, judged, and subsequently, 19 of them were hanged on Salem’s Gallows Hill. For several months, fifty men, women, and children were also accused of witchcraft. Their “crimes” were based sheerly on the “visions” of these girls. Thankfully, before the year was over, good sense came to the village and the locals began to turn against the witch trials. Through the Massachusetts General Court, all those who lost their lives because of the witch hunt had their guilty verdicts annulled. The families who lost their loved ones were indemnified. However, from that time onward, anger and bitterness continued to hover over the community for many years.

    Today, there is a new form of witch hunt and that is to find which member of the family, whether living or dead, is the reason for the generational curses that have befallen the family. When things go wrong in the family, they feel like it must be a punishment from God for some unrepented sins of their dead ancestors or even those elderly relatives who live with them. Then, directly or indirectly, the blame game would begin and certain social stigma would be placed upon the so-called perpetrator of the curse.

    As many pastors from the Charismatic persuasion are happily teaching this popular idea, it is inevitable that this superstition continues to spread like wildfire among the laity. Many have become firmly entrenched in this idea because they have somehow “experienced” it or even “delivered” from it.

    There arises a new breed of self-styled “prophetic” ministers (both from clergy and laity) who, by way of “special knowledge from on-high” tell you which members of your family or ancestors are the perpetrators of the generational curses. Once that so-called “revelation” is given, then it is impossible to clear the reputation of the person. For example, if this self-styled “prophetic” minister says that God has given him a divine revelation to your family history and that in the distant past, your grandmother had committed adultery with a neighbor and so the curse of adultery is in the family, then your poor grandmother, whether she is dead or alive, will forever, have her name tarnished. No one knows what actually happened in the past and so many resorted to this witch-hunting method. Do you see how dangerous this approach is?

    Here is a sad testimony from a sister-in-Christ who responded to the earlier blog post about Generational Curses – Part 2.

    My sister-in-law passed on last September, it was sudden death. It started with food poisoning. All of us were heartbroken but we chose to look to Jesus and continue to put our trust in God, knowing God loves us and has the best for us, we may not understand the reason now but we will one day.
    Suddenly someone from the church told her mom that it may be due to my mom as they came to know about my mom had lost her first husband after she got married years ago.
    It must be a generational curse from my mom’s side so they asked my mom to attend a deliverance zoom session and to renounce all generational curses. My mom felt so bad and followed what they said.
    I mean making confession and doing renunciation can do no harm to a person, but the wrong understanding of the whole thing, now everyone believes my late sister-in-law’s (she was very young and was a very pleasant lovely lady, faithfully serving God, and just got married for 11 months) passing was caused by my mom. So our relationship became so sour despite me explaining to them from Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32.

    Here is another testimony about how after renouncing all generational curses, the believer continued to have doubt about being fully delivered from the curse… not until she learned the biblical truth about the wonderful promise of Jesus in John 8:36 – “So if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed.”

    Thank you for sharing on this subject matter, Pastor Albert… I came from a broken family background — my mom divorced when I was a kid and I was separated and eventually divorced more than 10 years ago. I have gone thru the Freedom in Christ course that taught about renouncing generational curses and all. So sometimes the thought does come back to question whether it has really been broken for me and my children. Your article gives clarity and peace to know exactly where I stand as a born-again believer. Thanks for sharing.

    Many people got stuck here when they were told that they need to renounce all the sins of their ancestors so as to be set free from their generational curses. However, most of them have no idea what their ancestors had done. And that put that false guilt and condemnation upon them. Maybe they are still under the generational curses.
    Those who have been adopted have been told that they are at a disadvantage. Why? Because many do not even know who their ancestors were. All these add guilt trip and fear into the life of the believer. Instead of being free in Christ, they experience additional bondage.
    Today, we want to affirm that all these are absolutely false. We are now of a different bloodline – the blood of Jesus. We are all free from any generational curses. Remember – “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36).
    Once again, the Bible affirms that you are not under any generational curses. Jesus taught against generational curses. Read John 9:2-3 – His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
    “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life”.

    The confusion between the Adamic Curse and the Generational Curses is further enhanced by the so-called evidence of inherited behavioral traits, diseases, and tragic events. For example, a family friend told me that his anger management problem stemmed from a curse passed on from his father who apparently received that curse from his grandfather. That sounds plausible except that his two other brothers do not have that same anger management problem. Did the generational curse miss them and just concentrate upon this poor chap?

    In another example, a woman shared with Grace and me that her family has been cursed with the generational curse of divorce. She said that almost every sibling is divorced except for one. So, we asked whether the spirit of divorce has somehow missed this sibling? She told us that the relationship between this sibling and his spouse is not good either. So, the idea of her family being targeted by this generational curse of divorce remains in her mind to this day.

    As in the earlier articles, (Understanding Generational Curses – Part 1, Understanding Generational curses – Part 2), I pointed out that biblically speaking all the curses stemmed from the Original Sin of Adam, who was the original federal head of mankind. That is also known as the Adamic Curse. From then, all the good order of God has been tarnished and disorder is here in this world. The endless blessings of Eden have become the endless sufferings of mankind outside of Eden.

    Sins have become a part of mankind and suffering, on the global scale, is the effect of that disobedience. Paul says in Romans 8:22 – “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” That is to say that the natural world created by God for mankind is now subjected to the entropic nature, the bondage of decay, corruption, and death. We can understand this further by reading the following two verses:

    “For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” (Romans 8:20-21).

    Nature is the victim of the Adamic curse and one day, Jesus will come to rectify that. In the age to come, the natural creation will be liberated and transformed to the original glorious intent of the Lord. Therefore, what we are experiencing now – the entropy, degeneration, infirmities, natural disasters and decay are not the result of the generational curses but that of the original Adamic curse.

    This new concept of generational curses is popular because there must be real bondage that people want to be set free from. To put it simply, it is not any sins of our ancestors that have been affecting us but before we came to know Christ, we were the prisoners and slaves of sin. We were held captive to the impulses and instincts of our sinful nature.

    Paul said, “When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the obligation to do right. And what was the result? You are now ashamed of the things you used to do, things that end in eternal doom.” (Romans 6:20-21 NLT).

    When you were born again, you change allegiance to a new master. The Lord has given you a new nature to work with and the best thing of all is that God has blessed you with the presence of the Holy Spirit. You have been set free, liberated by the most powerful of all spirits – the Holy Spirit. Paul expresses so well in these words of 2 Corinthians 3:17: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

    Let me repeat the biblical truth – The only generational curse that you WERE under was the Adamic curse caused by the Fall. That has been taken care of by Jesus at the cross. Nowhere else in the New Testament has any record of Jesus or the Apostles teaching about renouncing the generational curses caused by your ancestors. In fact, Jesus taught against generational curses (John 9:2-3).

    I trust that this will clear off all the doubts that you have of the true freedom offered by Christ. Here is a message from the Word of God that will help you to overcome your struggles with anxiety, worries, and stress:

    From Rejected To Beloved

    “Beloved” means to be dearly loved. No one loves us more than God and the sincerest expression of His love for us is by giving us His Son, Jesus. Yes, we are undeserving of His great love and sometimes, we live with this undeservedness in our minds. This sense of self-depreciation and self-rejection causes us to reject the extended hands of God’s love, grace, and mercy.

    God calls us His beloved children but are we willing to acknowledge Him as our beloved Father in heaven? For some people, their self-rejection does not allow them to accept God’s unconditional grace. In their minds, they are questioning, “How can God accept me? This is too good to be true!” They want His grace to be conditional so that they may have a chance to earn it. The compulsion is to prove themselves to God and also to others that they, by our own efforts, have become spiritual enough to earn the right to be the children of God.

    Let’s look at Jesus – the beloved Son of God and see how He responded to His identity:

    “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)

    When Jesus prayed, He was not trying to achieve spirituality. When He preached or taught, He was not trying to gain popularity. When He did miracles, He was not trying to impress anybody. He did all those things simply because of who He really was – the beloved Son of God. How about us? We are also God’s beloved – children of God.

    “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.” 1 John 3:1(ESV)

    Once we fully surrender to God this erroneous idea of self-rejection that leads to self-condemnation, the shackles of guilt will fall off. The truth that we are the beloved children of the Most High God will descend upon our hearts. We have to embrace that truth. We have to cherish it like a priceless treasure. It is only then, we can be fully liberated to be used by the Lord to authentically share the Good News of this newfound liberation.

    Claim your identity now and refuse to let anyone tells you that you need to earn your “worthiness” and “spirituality”. You no longer need to keep proving yourself to be worthy of God’s love. You can just be yourself as the beloved of God.

    Let’s take the example of a newly wedded couple. They will never need to struggle hard to “get married” or even prove that they are married because they are already married. As a married couple, they set time aside every day to know each other better and love each other more. These activities must never be confused as activities to earn their marriage but rather activities that come out of their marriage. Similarly, you are already the beloved spiritual child of God, you set time aside each day to express your gratitude, joy, and service to the Lord. All these spiritual activities must never be confused as activities to gain spirituality but should be seen as activities because of your spirituality.

    By rejecting the wrong teaching of having to earn your “spirituality”, you are no longer condemned because there is “therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1 NKJV). It is my hope that you will treasure your true identity as a beloved child of God and dedicate yourself to spending more time with your heavenly Father. You will know Him better and will love Him for who He really is. You can now serve Him without ever having your identity falsely defined by the “misinformed” or the world. May the Lord, through the power of the Holy Spirit, bring to your remembrance that you are God’s beloved and His cherished child, purposed for all His blessings.
    Here is a message that explains the Sanctifying Process from the position of a beloved child of God.

    Why You Should Not Achieve “Spirituality” Anymore!

    For many years, I longed to have that moment when I feel that I have achieved a certain sense of “spirituality”. I had read many books and articles about personal revival, listened to many sermons about this mysterious state of well-being or spirituality. How various “spiritual giants” attained their spiritual heights through intense discipline of long prayers and meditations. With my background in Buddhism and Chinese polytheism, the emphasis on self-discipline and self-attainment appealed to me. The image of me as a holy man sitting on a mountain top in deep meditation often came to mind. It was a funny image if it wasn’t for the fact that I took it so seriously at that time. However, little did I realise that I had mistaken the intimacy with the Lord to be an activity achievable by my own self-discipline. I had adopted the dangerous philosophy of asceticism – a belief that if I really wanted to have the fullness of the spiritual life in me, I had to deny the pleasures of my body since they were often the source of my temptation. That was why Christianity became such a struggle for me. At one time, I prayed for God to remove all the women from this world because I was often tempted by them.

    You may be able to identify your experience with my struggle in the past. This compulsiveness may have given you a sense of direction and keep you busy. But after all these years, you may wonder whether you will ever reach this spiritual height or not. That is the reason why you tell the people around that you are far from reaching that mystical spiritual level and how you regret it. They applaud your sincere confession and humility. You feel kind of happy with your honesty and continue with your journey. However, I must burst your bubble because this self-made pilgrimage of yours will end in spiritual fatigue or burnout. You may not agree but allow me to explain.

    Since the time of the early Church Fathers, many believers have sought monastic life so as to attain this mystical level of spirituality. Others have left the faith in order to try and find the answer through mystical religions. Rev. Dr. Rob Apgar-Taylor, the pastor of Grace United Church of Christ, is one of those who found his “deeper” spiritual experience in Tibetan buddhism which is taught in Kopan Monastery situated in Nepal. He said, “I have noticed a whole bunch of younger people, particularly LGBT folk but not even, also straight folk, young folk who say, ‘I used to be Christian. Now, I’m more Buddhist.’” (Source). Why is that so? Is it because the dependence of self-effort to achieve spiritual reality is more conducive than merely believing that Jesus has done it all for us? To many of us, ordinary folks, we are most probably throwing up our hands in frustration and say, “This is beyond me. I have tried my best.”

    The truth of the matter is there is no spiritual height to attain. As long as you are struggling to achieve, struggling to accomplish, struggling to be somebody spiritual, you will soon realise that innately, within your spirit, you will become anxious and restless. In your subconscious mind, you will always be comparing, evaluating and judging whether you are better than the other brothers and sisters. You will not be fulfilled because you know the truth about your own spiritual condition. No matter, how you justify your pursuit, whether you borrow the idea from another religion or develop the idea of spirituality through what you have read, you will never be fully satisfied.

    This kind of “spiritual” quest also reveals a darker desire that is embedded in the carnal or soulish self. As you know, the soulish self is self-centred, self-promoting, self-asserting, self-willed and self-reliant. Such “spiritual pursuit” is a hidden form of “humanism” in spiritual garment that focuses on the human efforts. This approach reveals a mistaken notion that is rooted in the fallacy that one would be more lovable to God when more efforts are made in all these religious activities. This endeavour may look spiritual, sound spiritual, and even feel spiritual but it is a “religious facade”.

    I experienced it myself – there was a time when through sheer discipline, I was able to consistently perform all the “required” routine of praying long hours, fasting for 40 days, reading 40 chapters of Bible every day, etc. All these were good if my motivation of doing them was in alignment with the Holy Spirit. However, the truth is that when I had “achieved” this perceived religious standard, I became “humbly” proud. I began to compare my “spiritual” standard with those of others by contrasting my own religious routines with theirs. Whenever I met another “spiritual” believer, I would immediately judge the person in my mind – How spiritual is this person? How many chapters of the bible has he read every day? How long has he prayed daily? How many days has he fasted? How much money did he give to the poor? How many orphans has he fed. How many ministries has he served, etc.?
    All these revealed my deep insecurity that was further enhanced by my total misunderstanding of what praying, reading the bible and fasting are all about. At that time I really thought that I could earn spirituality and climb up to the spiritual height.

    Well, thankfully, you and I can avoid all these pitfalls. You may have realized that what I really desired at that time was intimacy with God. What I have learned through all these years is that firstly, we have to realise that we do not need to exhaust ourselves by trying to BE spiritual when we are already BEINGS of spirituality.

    There has been too much emphasis on “DOING” that we miss out on who we really are – our “BEING”. So what is the difference? Do we not do anything any more? The difference is this – you can DO without BEING but you cannot BE without DOING. For example, if your “being” is the sun, then naturally, your “doing” is shining. Once you focus on your BEING, you will find that your DOING is an expression of that innate realization.

    As a young child, I was unhappy when my father asked me to help him at his chicken rice stall. When I reached 15 years old, I willingly went to help my dad. Before, that age, I was helping my father but reluctantly. Was I still his son? Yes, of course. But a very reluctant son. What happened at 15? I suddenly realised that my father had worked so hard for the family and I, being the eldest son, should be responsible in helping him. That realization of my BEING activated my DOING and changed my attitude, values, characteristics and behaviour towards my father and my family members.

    Realization Makes The Difference
    When you realise who you are in Christ and that you have been intimately loved by the Lord long before you have ever experienced any human love, that should blow you away. Especially when wave upon wave of love keeps coming in spite of all the sins and mistakes you have committed, then you know that you have encountered the unmerited favour of God. This grace of God, in the midst of total human failures, completely demolishes any human idea of meritocracy. Suddenly, counting your achievements and calculating your accomplishments become absolutely meaningless.

    Intimacy is defined as having a close familiarity, emotional connection, experiential bonding and even a spiritual unity in a relationship. And the intimacy that all of us need is that wonderful closeness with God that is experienced only through God’s unfailing love. It is by grace alone. With God, we can be completely truthful and vulnerable. This is the truth that you and I must treasure in our hearts because it is the basis of our relationship with Him. By that same love, the Lord revealed Himself to us and became our Saviour. His “DOING” was by coming to earth, living an obedient life, dying on the cross, coming back to life through resurrection, so that we can have our “BEING’. This is our true identity as beloved children of God. Once we fully comprehend this truth, we will never need to strive to be “spiritual” but live out our “spirituality” as BELOVED CHILDREN OF GOD.

    The outcome is that my “DOING” is being poured out of my “BEING” – when I pray, it is because I enjoy talking to God. When I do my “handing-over prayer”, it is because I want to have an uninterrupted time with Jesus. And moreover, I can pray like this 24/7 (“Pray continually” -1 Thessalonians 5:17). I pray both in the Spirit and with understanding because I really enjoy the fellowship with God (“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” -Ephesians 6:18). I don’t feel guilty anymore if I were to spend a shorter time in prayer or pray later in the day. It is not a chore. It is a privilege. When I read my Bible, it’s because I enjoy reading His love letters. I have nobody to impress and no achievement to accomplish. When I preach a sermon, write an article or publish a book, they are all results of the intimacy that God has granted me. It is most comforting to know that I can come to God as I am, vulnerable and weak in many ways because He is my Father. And if you are a child of God then He is also your Father. You can trust Him.

    Here is short video clip (8 minutes) on Handing-over prayer that dispels the myth that we need to be goal-oriented so as to achieve a certain spiritual height when we pray:

    Why You Must Have A Growth Mindset?

    An Article By Albert Kang

    Your mindset plays a critical role in your spiritual walk with the Lord. Whether you succeed or fail as a disciple depends greatly on how your mind operates in response to the Holy Spirit. The Christian “growth mindset” is not about positive thinking but understanding the responsibility that you have in managing your mind for the glory of God. Therefore, you have to learn to be a good guardian of your mind by not conforming to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)

    What is a Growth Mindset?
    In her seminal book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dr. Carol Dweck, the renowned psychologist of Stanford University, states that Growth Mindset is believing that your talents and abilities can be developed instead of being fixed and ungrowable. It means that you do not put a self-imposed restriction upon your mind by saying that you no longer can learn or change. If you have a Growth Mindset, you will have a willingness to learn and try new things. You will be willing to work hard to improve yourself, and maximize your God-given talents. Here are some of the things that people with Growth Mindset adopt:

    • They can learn at any age because for them learning is a lifelong pursuit.
    • They believe that their thinking process and intelligence have no limit and can be improved.
    • They believe that by grit and hard work they can become highly competent in what they are doing.
    • They treat failures as temporal and these are stepping stones for their achievement.
    • They willingly welcome feedback so that they can learn and improve from it.
    • They are not afraid to face challenges and encounter problems.
    • They are not jealous of others’ achievements but instead allow these success stories to inspire them to soar to a greater height of success.

    Fixed Mindset
    The opposite of Growth Mindset is Fixed Mindset. These are the mindsets of people who believe that they have been born with fixed talents and abilities. They are somewhat stuck by the limitation within their minds and so they live with a sense of injustice. They feel that God has dealt them a bad hand and they are highly disadvantaged. The philosophy of such individuals is fatalistic and the common expression among them is “What to do? I am born like that?” Here are some characteristics of people having Fixed Mindset.

    • They believe their intelligence and talents can no longer be improved.
    • They are afraid of challenges and avoid failure at all cost.
    • They do not like feedback from others because it sounds like criticism to them.
    • They are very sensitive and hide their flaws from others.
    • They see the achievements of others as a big threat to themselves personally.
    • They believe that it is worthless to put in any effort in anything that they are doing
    • They do not have the staying-power and give up easily.

    The Christian Growth Mindset
    When you read about the heroes of faith in the Bible, you will soon realize that every one of these men or women of God, who succeeded in their life-missions, had in them a Growth Mindset.

    Let’s take a look at one hero of faith – Joseph.
    One may think that Joseph would have stopped learning and growing in wisdom because he was being enslaved. On the contrary, we find that because of the favor of the Lord and the faith of Joseph in God, so much so that he had developed a self-confidence that produced courage to overcome. Deep within this overcomer, there was a tenacity, a readiness to grow, a willingness to learn and do everything well. In short, he had adopted a Growth Mindset and what was the result of that? Joseph was made the chief steward in Potiphar’s household (Genesis 39:4).

    Joseph became competent in what he was doing because of his teachable spirit. Whether he learned through observation, questioning, training sessions or books, his attitude towards personal growth was excellent. Many people in similar situation would have given up and stopped educating themselves: “What is the point? I am only a slave!”

    When Joseph was framed and thrown into prison, the Lord was with him. At that moment, Joseph was in a really dire situation – a slave and a prisoner. However, like what Dr. Robert Schuller said, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Even though with a double condemnable stigma, the Growth Mindset of Joseph took over.

    The willingness of Joseph to do his best soon got him noticed by the prison warden. “So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.” (Genesis 39:22-23).

    The favor of the Lord subsequently carried Joseph all the way to the Pharaoh’s palace. Joseph was made the Prime Minister in charge of the whole land of Egypt (Genesis 41:41).

    A wonderful success story, indeed! Let’s reiterate – The mind that God gave to Joseph was not controlled or fixed by the circumstances. Neither was it influenced by the opinions of others.

    Was Joseph a slave and a prisoner? Yes, but was his mind a slave or a prisoner? No! That made a whole world of difference between a winner and a loser. Joseph’s mind was enhanced by the favor of God that caused him to have the curiosity to learn many practical knowledge and wisdom.

    Today, as a child of God and the disciple of Jesus, your mind is also enhanced by the favor of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit. This means that you can grow in your talents and abilities. This means that if you set your mind to do something, and persistently do it, you will succeed. It is only by adopting this “Growth Mindset” that you will really be able to do all things for kingdom of God.

    To learn more about this Growth Mindset, please check the video below:

    The Daily Routine And Your 24-Hour Masterpiece

    Joe Louis, a US boxing champion, once said, “A champion doesn’t become a champion in the ring, he’s merely recognized in the ring. His ‘becoming’ happens during his daily routine.” I believe that all of us can fully concur with this statement because if we look around, we find what the majority of the successful and significant people have something in common is the tenacity and grit to work on their achievement day in and day out.

    One of the persistent persons whom I admire is Evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018). It is a well-known fact that this man of God spent hours in his younger days, perfecting his preaching style. After Graham graduated from Wheaton College, he had trained himself to preach with pure sincerity and energetic enthusiasm. He had decided that every message was to be simple, easy-to-grasp notion about sin and salvation. Reading was a part of Graham’s daily routine and he read a wide variety of subjects. Even though he was one of the best preachers in his time, he was still not satisfied with his progress. To his friends, he admitted varying weaknesses in his preaching style such as rambling and had made every effort to remove that habit. In spite of that, many people were blessed by his messages and not only that, many who heard them actually made a commitment to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

    Well, do you like to know how effective he was? This amazing man preached to over 77 million people face-to-face in evangelistic rallies in 53 nations around the world. More than 215 million people in 185 nations received his messages through satellite feeds. And the best part is that more than three million souls responded to his altar call. Among those millions were some of my friends who went to the altar in response to his call for salvation in the evangelistic crusade that he conducted in 1978 in Singapore.

    Your Daily Routine
    The secret of these successful people is thus hidden in their daily routine – things that they do out of sight. The tenacious effort that they put in daily to make sure that their dream comes true. So, how are you going to begin this process of success in your life?

    24-Hour Masterpiece
    Begin by determining to make today into a masterpiece. Yes, start with today and do it immediately. Work on your 24-hour masterpiece – one day at a time. Do your very best and maximize the life that God has given you. Make every day count. A fruitful day will add up to become a fruitful week. A fruitful week will add to become a fruitful month and year and ultimately your life is a very fruitful one. This life is your masterpiece and you are the artist appointed to make sure that this masterpiece becomes a reality.

    Staying In The Moment
    One day, you will have to face God and He will ask you about what you have done with your life. You can prepare for that day with God by preparing to maximize your life today. Today is of paramount importance because you only live in the “todays”. Therefore learn how to focus upon the present moment instead of allowing your subconscious mind dragging you into a daydream. We all do some day-dreaming but too much of it will make us lethargic and non-productive. Thinking too much about the past or future is futile. The gold is found in the present moment because this is the only time that you have the fullest control.

    Appreciate the fact that every moment is different. You will never get the same moment twice – similar maybe but never exactly the same. I believe God really wants you to appreciate your present moment. He has blessed you with eyes to see, ears to hear, tongue to taste, nose to smell and hands to touch – use them to enjoy all the people and things that God has given you. Take time to smell the flowers and listen to some really great music – I recommend worship songs. When you eat, focus on the food that you put in your mouth and you will be surprised how delicious your meal is. Let your physical senses be activated and present in the moment. Your soul and spirit will respond with gratitude and thanksgiving.

    As the Bible says there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). Time for achievement and time for relationship. When you fellowship with a person, give him or her 100% of your attention. That moment would be memorable both to you and your companion. When you do a task, give that your fullest attention at that moment. You will do a better job when you are 100% there to do it. If you catch yourself drifting into a daydream, snap out of it by counting backward – 5 to 1. And you will be back to do what is important for you at that moment.

    The abundant life that Jesus talks about in John 10:10 can happen to your life. When you live intentionally, purposefully and deliberately, you will enjoy every moment of your day. The masterpiece would come forth at the end of every day. And one day, when you see God, you will have no regrets because you can happily tell Him that you have lived a fruitful life, and have maximized your time for His glory.

    In the next blog, I like to give you some specifics to help you be a real success by becoming the person that God wants you to be. God bless!

    You may like to watch this video and appreciate how you can work on your 24-hour Masterpiece every day.