Part 5 – Why Some Are Healed And Others Are Not? [The Belief That Miracles Have Ceased]

A Lutheran missionary to Cambodia visited me in Phnom Penh to ask for some advice about casting out demons. He did not know what to do with a demon-possessed person in his congregation at Siem Reap. He said he was never taught how to cast out demons during his missionary training. After showing him how to use his God-given authority and power to cast out evil spirits, he went back to do so by faith. After a week or so, he returned and happily informed me that he had successfully cast out the evil spirits from the afflicted person. My question to this missionary was why did his organization send him to Cambodia without teaching him how to engage the enemy. Did they really think that there would be no demonic activities in the mission field? No wonder, we read about “defeated” missionaries returning home totally discouraged and disillusioned.

Do we really have a correct understanding of what ministry and mission is all about? Have we been hoodwinked into thinking that we can just hide in a little corner and do our little ministry peacefully while the whole world is powerless in the face of an evil onslaught? So, can we can cast out demons or not? Can we heal the sick in the mighty name of Jesus or not? Can we do what Jesus did or not? Is the Church empowered to confront the enemy or not?

A pastor from the Philippines warned me not to say that we, the disciples of Christ, can heal the sick in the name of Jesus. His belief was that only Jesus can heal and that we are all powerless except by praying to Jesus to do the work. Now, this pastor has changed his approach and is healing the infirm in the mighty name of Jesus. Why? Because right at the airport, I ministered healing to his injured legs and he walked without pain. Then I showed him Luke 9:1-2.

 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, He gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

That was the convincing factor for him – the Lord had given power and authority to His disciples so that they could do what He did. And that applies to all modern disciples too. The Filipino pastor believed and applied the kingly authority accordingly. Now his ministry is not only with powerful preaching of God’s Word but is confirmed with signs and wonders. This is in accordance with what Jesus said in John 14:12

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father. 

By simply believing what Jesus has promised, my life and ministry have been thoroughly transformed too. From the early years of my ministry as a Pastor, I prayed to Jesus and asked Him to heal the sick, if I remember correctly only 10 people were healed. Since, learning from Pastor William Lau of The Elijah Challenge in 2005, of not asking Jesus to be the servant and do the work of healing, instead, I became the servant and dId the healing in the mighty name of Jesus, more than 10,000 people have been healed.

Today, some churches believe that miracles have ceased in spite of much evidence and testimonies of unexplained instant healing cases reported not only from the churches but in news portals and various social media channels. The anti-miracles Christians explain all these away as false miracles and call them “lying wonders.” They based their understanding on 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. This portion says that Satan will deceive people who do not love the truth by using signs and lying wonders. They also refer to Revelation 13:13 that describes the false prophet as having the ability to cause supernatural fire to come down from heaven.

Then they invoke the serious warning from Jesus found in Matthew 7:21-22, misquoting this portion to mean the Lord is against all so-called prophets. However, a closer examination of the scriptural context reveals that the Lord had already identified the false prophets in Matthew 7:15-20. And He had indicated that the way to recognize true or false prophets is by identifying their fruits. So, this portion can hardly be used as biblical proof that miracles have ceased and that anyone ministering in signs and wonders is a false prophet.

Another reason that some churches give as to why God performed healing miracles only in the past is that those incidents were primarily for the purpose of writing the New Testament. Since that task has already been completed, miracles should cease by now. For the same reason, not only miracles have ceased but the spiritual gifts, particularly speaking in tongues and prophesying, have also ceased. Their favorite supporting verses are found in 1 Corinthians 13:8-10.

Let us read verse 10: “But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” (NKJV) or in the NIV translation: “But when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.”

They have taken the Greek word, “tevleio” which means “completion” to refer to the “Completion of the Bible” as written words of God rather than the “Completion of the Age.” Did Paul actually write about the completion of the Bible or was he referring to something else?

The context of this scriptural portion has no indication that Paul even had the “Completion of the Bible” in mind when he wrote to the Corinthian Christians. In fact, Paul did not even realize that God would use his epistles to become an integral part of the New Testament. How could he write something that he had no idea at all? How could he add an idea that was outside the context of his explanation?

A good basic rule that governs biblical interpretation is that the Bible should never be interpreted to say what it never did say. Why then is this traditional argument that depicts the “Completion of the Bible” as the reason for the cessation of healing miracles accepted by most Evangelical believers? Could it be due to the lack of miracles in their churches that have forced them to find an excuse?

It seems that once a certain theory is repeated long enough, it is then believed to become synonymous with Biblical Truth.

Today, most believers are aware of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The time for obedience is even more critical because there is still much work to be done. Jesus is very concerned about our obedience: “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46).

Doing what Jesus instructed is crucial not only to our spiritual growth but to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We cannot choose to obey only portions of His instruction and be effective. There must be a reason why the Commander-in-chief has instructed us in such a way and also given us the Kingly Authority to encounter the evil one. Soldiers must submit to the Commander-in-chief and do what He desires. To obey only when it is convenient is not the correct attitude of a faithful kingdom warrior. Let’s respond to the Commander-in-chief and march according to the order of the heavenly herald. To victory in the mighty name of Jesus.

Here is my recent video message on YouTube of why some people are healed and some are not: