What Should Christians Do About The Chinese Dragon?

When I was growing up in Singapore, the Chinese dragon held a significant place in our family’s tradition. One of my first paintings, as a child, was a Chinese dragon which my father proudly hung on the wall of our living room. It’s not just our family but many Asian families are obsessed with the idea of having a benevolent dragon blessing them. The Chinese people are so in love with the dragon that we like to be known as “Descendants of the Dragon (龙的传人).

This year (2024), is a “Dragon Year”. This is an ancient idea rooted steeply in the Chinese zodiac system that consists of a 12-year cycle, with each year associated with a specific animal. The dragon holds a special place as one of the most revered animals in Chinese culture. It is believed to be a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. Dragons are associated with the emperor and are seen as auspicious creatures.

Those Chinese babies born in the Year of the Dragon are believed to possess exceptional qualities and are often held in high regard. This reverence for the dragon has been deeply ingrained in Chinese culture and passed down through generations.

Back in 1984, when I was first appointed an Assistant Pastor, in the “Ship Series” currency notes of Singapore, the 50-dollar note featured a depiction of a dragon. At that time, because of this dragon design, some Christians refused to have the 50-dollar notes in their wallets. As for me, I told these friends that I was willing to have all their 50-dollar notes if they were afraid to hold on to them.

In this article, I will explore the origins and diverse interpretations of the Chinese dragon and understand the concerns that some Christians have regarding its compatibility with Christianity.

The Composite Nature of the Chinese Dragon
Unlike the dragons found in Western mythology, the Chinese dragon is a composite creature, incorporating features of various animals. It typically has the head of a camel, the ears of an ox, the body of a serpent, the scales of a fish, the claws of an eagle, the antlers of a deer, and the eyes of a demon. This amalgamation of different animals symbolizes the dragon’s ability to embody different powers and attributes, making it a revered and complex symbol in Chinese culture. So, strictly speaking, the Chinese dragon does not exist in reality except in the imagination of the Chinese people.

Origins and Cultural Significance
The Chinese dragon has a history that dates back thousands of years, and it is deeply intertwined with Chinese mythology, folklore, and spiritual beliefs. The early Chinese who descended from one of the sons of Noah were worshippers of one God. In time, they moved away from that worship and they embraced animistic beliefs that recognized the spiritual essence of various creatures. Animals were seen as more than mere physical beings; they were believed to possess spiritual qualities and powers. This belief system led to the attribution of symbolism and reverence to certain animals, such as dragons. The Chinese dragon was believed to bring rain, ensuring bountiful harvests and prosperity for the people. It was also seen as a protector, guarding against evil spirits and bringing good fortune.

Are All Dragons The Same?
The serpent who is the “great red dragon” mentioned in the Bible, held a prominent and benevolent position in various ancient cultures. In Egypt, it symbolized protection and served as a guardian for the pharaohs. Greeks regarded serpents as protectors against evil, associated them with good fortune, healing, and fertility, and linked them to the symbol of Asclepius, the God of Medicine.

World Health Organization logo featuring the Aesculapian Rod, 

In India, snakes were seen as guardians of sacred places, bringing luck and fertility. The Celts associated serpents with wisdom, healing, rebirth, and feminine power. Native Americans also revered snakes for their connection to fertility, healing, and renewal. In Mesoamerica, serpents were powerful beings, and the feathered serpent was a significant deity. The Naga snake even sheltered the meditating Buddha in Buddhism. These cultures embraced the serpent as a symbol of positive attributes and celestial protection.

Are Dragons Really Benevolent Creatures?
Here are several reasons why many consider the dragon to be a benevolent being.
Firstly, when Satan took control of the world system, he introduced the serpent or dragon symbol as a representation of his benevolence. Soon, many cultures began to worship him through the serpent or dragon idols. He has succeeded in becoming a temporary god for the people to worship.
Secondly, throughout history, Chinese folklore has developed numerous stories depicting dragons as benevolent creatures. These tales have ingrained in people the belief that serpents and dragons are friendly beings. As the serpent is connected to the natural world, such as its association with water and fertility, contributed to its positive symbolism in these cultures.
Thirdly, Another aspect worth mentioning is that snakes and dragons are often associated with qualities related to life and renewal. This association stems from their unique ability to shed their skin, symbolizing a process of rejuvenation and transformation.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier, some ancient mythologies featured serpents as wise and knowledgeable beings, often associated with healing, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. Such positive attributes could have influenced the perception of serpents as benevolent creatures in these ancient cultures.

Christian Perspectives and Concerns
From a Christian standpoint, many believers find it challenging to embrace the Chinese dragon as a symbol compatible with our Christian faith. Christianity strictly advocates monotheism, the belief in a single God, and discourages the worship or veneration of any other entities. Therefore, the ancient symbolism and mystical attributes associated with the Chinese dragon can be viewed as conflicting with our Christian teachings.

Respecting Cultural Diversity and Understanding:
While Christians may have reservations about embracing the Chinese dragon as a symbol, it is crucial to approach cultural differences with respect and understanding. Appreciating the cultural significance of the dragon to the Chinese people does not necessarily mean compromising our faith. It is possible to acknowledge and learn about our former cultures while remaining steadfast in our Christian beliefs.

Having said that, it is important to show our Christian faith with our love, faith, and hope. Merely engaging in traditional practices of visitation, giving of oranges, exchanging gifts, tossing of yusheng, exchanging the traditional greetings, and giving or receiving angpows with dragon motifs does not imply participation in evil. We should not allow the symbolism of the dragon to have a controlling influence over us.

Personally Speaking
Even though the Chinese dragon may be deemed benevolent to the Chinese culture, I recommend that we as believers avoid identifying with it. However, it is important to approach the situation with love and consideration. When someone gives me a gift or an angpow with a dragon motif, I humbly accept it. Even on social media such as through WhatsApp and Telegram, many believers sent me cliparts and emojis that have dragon motifs. I did not reject them. I receive all the greetings by faith, whether there are dragon motifs or not. Being gracious and kind is the best testimony for the glory of God.

I know of many young believers who may find the dragon motif to be troubling. To present a good Christian testimony, we should avoid wearing clothes with dragon motifs or using symbols of the dragon to decorate our homes. Out of love and respect for their conscience, we should choose not to give angpows with dragon motifs, understanding that they may cause discomfort or conflict.

It’s important to create an environment where we respect and care for one another first rather than just being legalistic and showing harsh disapproval of the dragon motifs. This means that at all costs, we should consider how others feel and adjust our actions if needed. When we act with love, we prioritize the well-being of those around us. By being kind and considerate, we help build a society where everyone feels included and valued.

Do Believers Go To The Presence of God Immediately After Death Or “Sleep” Until The Resurrection?

During our time at Bible Seminary, we would often gather as students to engage in thought-provoking discussions about theological matters. On one occasion, we found ourselves engrossed in a captivating question: What is the fate of believers after they pass away? Among us, there were contrasting viewpoints. Some postulated that believers immediately ascend to the presence of God upon death, while others proposed the notion of a “soul sleep”. The latter suggests that when a person dies, their soul enters a state of unconsciousness until the resurrection at the end of time.

For centuries, the Christian church has engaged in an enduring discussion about the fate of believers after they die. This topic has sparked continuous debate and remains an active subject of contemplation.

At the heart of the discussion lies a fundamental question about the soul’s nature: is it immortal, continuing to exist after death, or mortal, perishing alongside the physical body and awaiting a future resurrection? While the Bible does not directly engage in philosophical debates about the nature of the soul, it offers valuable teachings that provide insight into this intriguing topic.

Though I recognize the longstanding perspective that regards the soul as mortal, I personally lean toward the belief in the soul’s immortality. My inclination is rooted in various passages and illustrations found within the Scriptures that offer compelling insights. Let us delve into a few of these thought-provoking examples:

The book of Hebrews convinces me about the immortality of the soul when it speaks of believers being “surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1). This phrase suggests that the faithful individuals mentioned earlier in the scriptural text, including Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham, serve as more than just examples for us to follow. It implies that they are actively engaged in observing our lives, cheering us on from a heavenly vantage point. This idea goes against the belief in “soul sleep.” It means that these saints in heaven must be awake and aware to observe and support us on our journey of faith. They are not asleep, unconscious, or unaware, but actively involved in our lives here on earth. This strongly implies that after we die, we will still be conscious. We would not be sleeping but actively engaged in the lives of those believers who live out their faith on earth after us.

The psalmists, in their hopeful words, suggest that when we die, we enter into God’s presence with full consciousness. They express the belief that immediately after death, we are not abandoned or left in a state of unconsciousness. Instead, they anticipate joy, eternal pleasures, and dwelling in the presence of God.

One example is found in Psalm 16, where the psalmist confidently affirms that God will not abandon them to the realm of the dead. They expect to experience joy and eternal pleasures in God’s presence. This suggests a conscious awareness of being in God’s presence after death.

Similarly, Psalm 73 echoes this desire to be with God. It emphasizes the longing to be in heaven, recognizing that being in God’s presence is the ultimate source of fulfillment and satisfaction.

The famous Psalm 23 also conveys assurance and confidence in dwelling in the house of the Lord forever. This reflects the psalmist’s belief that even after death, they will continue to exist consciously in the presence of God.

These psalms, among others, paint a picture of entering eternity with an awareness of being in God’s presence. They express the hope and expectation of a continued relationship and communion with God beyond earthly life. Thus, the psalmists’ words convey a sense of assurance that entering eternity involves a conscious awareness of being in the presence of God, filled with joy and eternal blessings.

The Theory of Soul Sleep
The Bible teaches that when believers pass away, they go to heaven right away. However, some religious groups have different beliefs. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses, as represented by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, believe in “soul sleep.” According to this belief, when faithful Jehovah’s Witnesses die, they remain in an unconscious state until the time of resurrection. They believe that Jehovah will remember them and bring them back to life. The idea of soul sleep is also found in the beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists.

In contrast, the Roman Catholic Church teaches about a place called purgatory. They believe that after death, believers, regardless of whether they are Catholic or not, go to purgatory. In purgatory, they believe that believers have to undergo a process of purification to atone for sins that were not completely forgiven during their earthly lives. Once they have been cleansed, they can enter paradise.

Both of these beliefs have their own justifications and arguments, but they are not based directly on the teachings of the Bible. The Bible does not mention soul sleep or purgatory as places where believers go after death. It is important to be aware of these different beliefs, but when it comes to understanding what the Bible says, it is clear that believers go to heaven immediately after death. The concepts of soul sleep and purgatory are not supported by biblical teachings.

The Thief On The Cross
During the crucifixion of Jesus, there was another criminal who was also being executed. This criminal recognized his own wrongdoing and asked Jesus for forgiveness. In response to the repentant thief’s request, Jesus said words that challenge the ideas of soul sleep and purgatory:

“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

Jesus’ response to the repentant thief provides important insights. First, it refutes the concept of soul sleep, which suggests that when believers die, they enter a state of unconsciousness until the resurrection. Jesus assured the thief that on that very day, they would be together in paradise. This indicates immediate conscious existence after death, rather than a state of unawareness or sleep.

Moreover, Jesus’ words also challenge the belief in purgatory. Purgatory is understood as a place where believers go after death to be purified from their sins before entering paradise. However, Jesus’ response to the repentant thief suggests that forgiveness and entrance into paradise can occur immediately. The thief did not need to undergo a process of purification in purgatory; instead, he was promised immediate presence with Jesus in paradise.

Therefore, Jesus’ interaction with the repentant thief offers a compelling counterpoint to the doctrines of soul sleep and purgatory. It reveals the possibility of immediate conscious existence after death and the assurance of forgiveness leading to immediate entrance into paradise. This biblical account challenges us to reexamine these beliefs and seek a deeper understanding of the nature of life after death based on the teachings of Jesus.

These passages provide a glimpse of the biblical support for the belief in the immortality of the soul. However, it is important to recognize that proponents of the view that the soul is mortal may also present their own scriptural arguments. It is a matter on which well-intentioned believers, equally committed to the authority and inspiration of the Scriptures, have held differing opinions throughout history. Therefore, we should approach this topic with humility and respect for one another’s positions.

Ultimately, each of us must prayerfully seek conviction and understanding, while acknowledging the diversity of thought that exists. Considering the entirety of the biblical narrative, my personal inclination is that the soul of a believer does indeed pass directly and consciously into the presence of God upon death.

Did Jesus Really Say That We Should Hate Our Parents?

I thank God for Christian friends who sent in questions through text messages about the Bible. Among the many questions, they often ask about those scriptures that seem to contradict the teaching of Christ. One of them is from Luke 14:26 where Jesus said, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.” (NKJV).

At first glance, Jesus’ statement seems contradictory to other biblical teachings about loving our parents and family members. One friend told me that it was her non-Christian neighbor who pointed this controversy out to her. That was not the first time that a non-Christian pointed this out. At least, in my own experience, one of my uncles pointed to this statement and sarcastically, told my mother, that if she allowed me to be converted to Christianity, then she would have a son hating her. And he continued that this was contradictory to the Chinese culture of filial piety, At that time, I didn’t understand why Jesus said what he had said. However, later, as I attended Bible College, I began to realize that the only way to understand the intended meaning of this challenging statement by Jesus is to examine the context and cultural understanding of those days.

Jesus, as the personification of the Agape love of God, had taught about the importance of loving God and also loving others. On many teaching occasions, Jesus taught about honoring our parents and valuing our families. For example, Jesus explicitly taught about honoring parents in Matthew 15:3-6.

In this passage, Jesus was rebuking the Pharisees for promoting a non-biblical tradition that allowed people to avoid providing financial support for their aging parents. The Pharisees taught that the money for the parents could be redirected to the temple treasury. Jesus spoke against such hypocrisy and He affirmed that the commandment to honor their father and mother remained valid. And for anyone to nullify this law by upholding the man-made tradition of not taking care of their aged parents would make them hypocrites. Then, why did Jesus advocate the hatred of parents and loved ones? Why did He make this controversial statement?

To fully comprehend, we have to understand what “hyperbole” actually is. It is a communication device commonly used since the time of Christ to make a definite statement, grab attention, produce dramatic effects, and leave an impression. Today, we often use hyperbole without realizing it.

For example: “I’ve told you a million times to clean your room!” This hyperbolic statement is used to emphasize the frequency of the request, even though it may not have been literally a million times.

Another one is “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!” This hyperbole is used to express extreme hunger, suggesting that the person is so famished that they could consume an enormous amount of food.

And let me give you a third one: “I’ve been waiting in this line forever!” This hyperbolic statement is used to emphasize the frustration and impatience of waiting, even if the actual wait time is relatively short.

Why did Jesus make such a strong hyperbole? The reason is that in the first-century Jewish patriarchal culture, despite the wrong teaching of the Pharisees, the family tie was still deeply cherished and nothing was regarded more highly than respect for parents and lineage. In many instances, they were overdoing it by putting their parents and family as the top priority in their lives instead of God.

Similarly, in the Asian culture, the statement of Jesus continues to bring shock and confusion to unbelievers and new believers alike. I remember that when I was newly saved, my time spent serving in the Church created a lot of displeasure among my family members, especially my parents. On many occasions, I had to miss attending family functions because of church activities. Such a commitment was then misunderstood to be the rejection or hatred of familial bonds. My parents continued to make very detrimental remarks about my commitment to the Lord until they, themselves, got saved. Then, they apologized to me for persecuting me all those years.

As we can see, Jesus used the word “hate,” so as to emphasize the need for supreme loyalty and commitment to Him. He wanted His followers to understand that the devotion to Him as the Messiah must take utmost precedence over all other relationships, including those with family members. In fact, if we read the verse carefully, Jesus actually ask us to even hate ourselves when it comes in between our love with God.

Of course, now we know that Jesus absolutely affirmed God’s command to honor our parents within the proper context. And that the New Testament letters perpectually remind us, the disciples of Christ, to continue loving our family members. So hatred is not what Jesus desired – He was saying that we should love all relationships lesser when they are placed in comparison with our love for Christ. His hyperbolic language underscored that dedication to God must come before family and self for authentic discipleship.

In this present age, where the pressures of our society may prevent us from being wholeheartedly committed to our Lord, this hyperbolic message of Jesus serves as a wake-up call. It forces us to reflect upon our spiritual walk. Are we willing to put God above all else in our lives? Are we willing to choose God and deny our families and loved ones if ever demanded? True discipleship is that drastic for it requires unwavering allegiance to Christ through every challenge. There may be a time that we have to “hate” even those closest bonds for the sake of our highest love and purpose in God.

What Does It Mean To Work Out Salvation With Fear and Trembling?

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed – not only in my presence but now much more in my absence – continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his purpose. (Philippians 2:12-13)

In our journey of faith, the apostle Paul’s words resonate deeply in our life: “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” However, this verse is often misunderstood and misused to instill fear into people. I have noticed that some preachers are warning the believers that this verse is indicating that they may lose salvation if they do not keep working on it with fear and trembling.

What does it mean to work out our salvation with fear and trembling? From all the teachings of the New Testament, I doubt that Paul the Apostle was encouraging us as the believers, to live in a continuous condition of nervousness and anxiety. This idea contradicts many of Paul’s other exhortations to peace of mind, courage, and confidence in the God who is the Author of our salvation. As we evaluate the context, these words can only serve as a reminder of the significance of taking our faith seriously and living it out intentionally. Let’s delve into the meaning and implications of this powerful exhortation.

Gift of God’s Grace
When Paul spoke about working out our salvation, he was not suggesting that salvation is earned through our efforts. On the contrary, he emphasized that salvation is a precious gift bestowed upon us by God’s grace through our faith in Jesus Christ. So, we must remember that there is no way we can gain or earn our salvation. It is indeed a gift through the finished work of Christ on the cross. However, even though the gift is free, we should not receive and treat it casually or flippantly.

Awe and Reverence
The phrase “fear and trembling” may sound intimidating, but it does not imply living in constant fear or being afraid of God. The Greek words translated as “fear” and “trembling” can also mean “awe” and “reverence.” Therefore, Paul was inviting us to approach God with awe and reverence. He was encouraging us to have humility and deep respect before God as we actively pursue our spiritual maturity. Thus, as you can see, the idea of “fear and trembling” depicts only the weightiness and magnitude of the salvation that God has freely offered to us through His Son.

Living Out Our Faith
To work out our salvation means to actively and intentionally live out our faith in every aspect of our lives. There is a twofold understanding of how this can happen.
First, when we look at the Greek verb, we understand “work out” to mean “to continually work to bring something to completion or fruition.” This means that we have to actively pursue obedience in the process of sanctification. Paul explained this idea further in the next chapter of Philippians. He described his “workout” as “straining” and “pressing on” toward the goal of Christlikeness (Philippians 3:13-14).

Second, Paul’s idea of “trembling” has to do with our attitude as children of God. One of the ways of sanctification by the Holy Spirit is to help us have a healthy fear of offending God through our disobedience.
Another idea of “trembling” can be understood as “shaking” due to our weakness. However, this kind of weakness is beneficial. It is for a higher purpose because it brings us closer to God and causes us to be fully dependent upon Him.

Moses was a prime example of one who trembled before God’s presence and authority because he knew how weak he was. When God first commissioned him as Israel’s deliverer, Moses was hesitant and felt totally unqualified. He literally fell on his face in holy fear and trembling before the burning bush. Throughout his ministry, Moses treated God with awe-filled reverence, often bowing low to the ground. He worked out his salvation by obeying despite his fears.

Peter fell on his knees before Jesus, crying “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord” (Luke 5:8). Peter was very aware of his shortcomings. But he still left everything to follow Christ. Peter would go on to become a pillar of the early church, diligently using his gifts for God’s kingdom.

Embracing Responsibility
The emphasis on fear and trembling underscores the seriousness of our calling to follow Christ. Each of us carries a responsibility to live our lives in accordance with God’s will and to spread His love to others. Though we are all recipients of grace, we must not let that grace remain idle within us. Rather, we are called to action and service.
Isaiah’s vision of the throne room of God in Isaiah 6 utterly shook him. Being confronted with God’s glory made him painfully conscious of his own sinfulness and that of his people. But this same vision also cleansed and commissioned him. Isaiah emerged ready to speak God’s word for the rest of his life, in spite of opposition.
Part of embracing responsibility is using our unique gifts and abilities to make a positive difference in our spheres of influence. We all have a part to play in building God’s kingdom. Whether through acts of service, words of encouragement, generosity toward those in need, or simply living out our daily tasks with integrity and care, we must steward well what God has given us.

Accountability and Empowerment
Working out our salvation requires accountability and continual reliance on God’s guidance. We are encouraged to examine our hearts, confess our shortcomings, and seek forgiveness. Through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, we are enabled to live out our faith with integrity, perseverance, and love.
The “fear and trembling” also refers to the manner in which we pursue this sanctification. It describes a reverence for God that recognizes His unfathomable love and mercy towards us, as well as His transcendent holiness and righteousness before which we can only humbly submit.

A Rallying Call
Paul’s exhortation to work out our salvation with fear and trembling serves as a rallying call for all of us to embrace the profound significance of our faith. It urges us to approach God with awe, live out our faith intentionally, and bear the responsibility of being recipients of His grace.
Let us embark on this transformative journey by continually seeking for God’s guidance. The Holy Spirit will empower us as we navigate this pilgrimage with reverence and humility. Our salvation cost Jesus Christ everything. In gratitude, we must take working it out seriously. We must respond to the Lord with an attitude of deep love, honor and awe. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to joyfully fulfill this high calling of God and ultimately to become the people that He wants to be.

Would A Saved Person Go To Hell If He Were To Die With Unresolved Anger And Unforgiveness?

Recently, one of my church members raised a concern regarding his fear of dying with unresolved anger or unforgiveness still inside him. He was afraid that if he did not fully forgive everybody just at the moment of his death, he might end up in hell. I believe some of you may be having the same fear. Therefore, in this post, I like to provide some basic clarification of God’s words to shed light on our Christian perspective of salvation and how the grace of God extends beyond our mistakes and sins.

Justification by Faith
For Christians, salvation is not achieved through our own good works or righteousness. As I have shared often from the pulpit it is purely a result of the grace of God demonstrated through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This biblical concept is known as justification. As the apostle Paul explains in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

The Gift of Salvation
You and I cannot earn or pay for our eternal life; it is a gift freely given by God. Jesus Christ paid the price for our salvation through His sacrifice on the cross. Acts 4:12 affirms that salvation is found in no one else but Jesus Christ. Therefore, may I emphasize that salvation is provided by Christ and Christ alone.

Our Role in Salvation
What is then our role in this salvation encounter? We know for a fact that we cannot save ourselves through our own efforts or righteousness. We also know that salvation comes alone through our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Savior. As Paul has explained in Romans 10:8-10 that salvation is obtained by confessing with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believing in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead. Salvation is a matter of faith and trust in Christ’s finished work.

The Reality of Sin
Even after accepting Christ and experiencing salvation, we may still struggle with sin and make moral mistakes. However, salvation does not condemn us to hell for every sin we commit. It is important to understand the distinction between living a life of sin and committing individual acts of sin.
Hebrews 10:26 states, “If we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.” However, it is important to note that this verse does not imply that a single act of willful sin automatically renders Jesus’ sacrifice ineffective. The emphasis is on a persistent and deliberate lifestyle of sinning without repentance. It highlights the danger of willfully rejecting the grace and forgiveness offered through Jesus’ sacrifice. What must we do? We should therefore live in accordance with the truth we have received and avoid falling back into a pattern of sinful behavior. When there is genuine faith in Christ, it should result in a transformed life characterized by obedience to God’s Words.

Living A Repented Life
What is repentance? Repentance is about acknowledging our sins, feeling remorse for them, and making a genuine effort to turn away from sinful behavior. The Bible is very clear that true repentance demonstrates a sincere desire to follow God’s commandments and seek His forgiveness. So, when we make mistakes or sin, it is essential to go to God and respond humbly with repentance and sincerely seek restoration of fellowship with God again. A repentant heart, like that of Peter after denying Christ, allows us to enjoy the joy of our salvation, and to grow continually in our faith and become more like Jesus.

The Danger of Apostasy
How does one lose his salvation? To understand what apostasy is, we can look at the life, and death of Judas as an example. He was an apostle of Jesus Christ but deliberately turned away from his relationship with Lord, and rejected the foundational truths and principles of the faith. He lost his salvation because he rejected Christ completely. Therefore, to become an apostate, you have to go beyond mere doubts or struggles in your life. You have to reject Christ and His salvation. It is a willful abandonment of the core tenets of Christianity, including the belief in Jesus as the Son of God, the authority of Scripture, and the redemptive work of Christ on the cross.

The Sanctifying Process
After salvation, the process of sanctification begins with the leading of the Holy Spirit. When we were saved, God accepted us as who we were but He wanted the very best for us. So, He sent the Holy Spirit to give us sanctification. This process involves an ongoing transformation within us to take on the likeness of Christ. The Holy Spirit will continue to show us which areas of our lives are not pleasing to God, and then guide us towards repentance and spiritual growth. The wonderful result is that soon, people will notice that we are behaving like Christ. In short, we have more and more “Christlikeness”.

The Grace of God
In conclusion, the grace of God is far greater than our mistakes and sins. Salvation is a gift received through faith in Jesus Christ, not by our own works. While believers may still struggle with sin, the conviction of the Holy Spirit guides us toward repentance and transformation. It is important to remember that unresolved anger or mistakes do not condemn us to hell. Instead, they hinder our growth and relationship with God. By seeking forgiveness, restoration, and striving to become more like Christ, we can experience the fullness of God’s grace and live in the assurance of eternal life.

Is Divine Healing In The Holy Communion?

Having been in the healing ministry since 2006, I noticed that divine healing continues to be a subject of great significance and interest for many believers. As trained by The Elijah Challenge, I continue to use the “commanding approach” to rebuke the diseases and demons to go in the mighty name of Jesus. This has been the primary healing approach that I knew that is bringing very good healing results.

For several years, I have been hearing about people being divinely healed after they partook in the Holy Communion daily, and in some instances, they took it a few times a day. Is this an alternative way of healing?  In order to understand this further, I did a little study about their correlation.

This article explores the idea that the bread and cup are merely points of faith used to facilitate healing, and ascribing supernatural power to these physical elements would be contrary to biblical teachings. Additionally, we will examine the biblical example of the handkerchiefs and aprons of Paul the Apostle, and the bronze serpent of Moses, which served as points of faith for healing.

The Power of Faith
The Holy Communion is a powerful representation of God’s unconditional love for us, and it is manifested through the emblems of the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, it’s important for us to understand the profound meaning behind the Holy Communion and to realize that FAITH is the conduit through which divine healing is received. It is the individual’s trust and belief in the ability of Jesus Christ to heal that allows for the manifestation of healing.

For example, in the biblical account of the woman with the issue of blood, we witness a remarkable demonstration of faith in Jesus as the Healer (Luke 8:43-48). This woman had been suffering from a chronic bleeding condition for twelve years, and she had exhausted all medical options without finding relief. However, when she heard about Jesus and the miracles He performed, she believed that He held the power to heal her. In an act of unwavering faith, she pressed through the crowd surrounding Jesus and reached out to touch the hem of His garment. At that moment, she experienced miraculous healing as her bleeding immediately ceased. Her contact point of faith, the hem of Jesus’ garment, served as a tangible connection to the power and authority she believed Jesus possessed. Through her faith in Jesus as the Healer, she found restoration and wholeness.

Holy Communion as a Contact Point of Faith
As believers, we must have a clear understanding that the healing associated with Holy Communion is not due to any magical properties within the bread and cup themselves. Rather, they serve as tangible contact points of faith, reminding the recipient of Jesus’ sacrifice and prompting them to place their trust in Him for healing.

The physical act of partaking in Holy Communion can serve as a powerful focal contact point for our faith. As we consume the bread and cup, we are reminded of Jesus’ redemptive work and are encouraged to place our faith in Him as the source of healing. It is the recipient’s faith in Jesus’ ability to heal that brings about the desired healing, not any inherent supernatural power within the elements.

Paul’s Handkerchiefs and Aprons
The New Testament provides us with an example of how physical objects can serve as contact points of faith for healing. In the book of Acts, we read about Paul the Apostle, whose handkerchiefs and aprons were used to bring healing to the sick (Acts 19:11-12). People would touch these items, and by their faith in Christ, they would receive healing. It is important to note that the power to heal did not reside within the handkerchiefs and aprons themselves. Instead, they served as physical symbols that facilitated the recipients’ faith in Jesus Christ. The act of touching these objects was an expression of their trust in Jesus as the healer.

The Bronze Serpent
The children of Israel had become rebellious and were speaking against God and Moses. As a consequence, God sent venomous snakes among them, and many were bitten and dying. In their distress, the people approached Moses, acknowledging their sin and asking for help. (Numbers 21:4-8). In response to their plea, God instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent and place it on a pole. Moses did as commanded, and anyone who was bitten by a snake could look at the bronze serpent and live. The bronze serpent served as a symbol of God’s provision for healing and deliverance.

Over time, the symbolic meaning behind the bronze serpent became distorted, and the people began to attribute healing power directly to the bronze serpent itself. Instead of recognizing it as a symbol of God’s healing provision and turning their faith towards God, they started worshiping the bronze serpent as an idol.

This deviated from the intended purpose and led to spiritual misdirection. Recognizing the danger of idolatry and the loss of true faith, Hezekiah, a righteous king of Judah, took decisive action and destroyed the bronze serpent (2 Kings 18:4). He understood the importance of redirecting the people’s focus and worship towards the one true God and away from any object that had become a misplaced source of healing power. By removing the serpent, Hezekiah sought to restore the proper understanding of God as the ultimate source of healing and deliverance.

The Danger of Making Holy Communion into a Magical Ritual
The danger of idolizing the Holy Communion and making it into a magical ritual lies in losing sight of its true purpose and significance. Just as the Israelites fell into the trap of worshiping the bronze serpent instead of directing their worship to God, there is a risk of idolizing the ritual of Communion itself. When the focus shifts solely to the physical elements of bread and cup, viewing them as objects of power or as a magical means of healing, the true essence of Communion is distorted.

The sacrament is meant to be a solemn remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice, a moment of spiritual communion with Him, and a reaffirmation of faith in His redemptive work. It is a symbolic representation of His body and blood, not a source of miraculous healing in and of itself. Therefore, it is essential to recognize that healing occurs because of the recipient’s faith in the Person of Jesus Christ. The bread and cup are not inherently imbued with supernatural power but instead serve as points of faith, reminding individuals to place their trust in Jesus for healing.

By understanding that divine healing is ultimately a result of faith in Jesus Christ, we can approach Holy Communion and other acts of faith with a deeper appreciation for their significance. It is through our faith in Christ that we find healing, recognizing that tangible elements are means to strengthen our belief rather than the source of supernatural power.

What Is The Positive Confession Doctrine?

In an evangelistic meeting, I was ministering to the sick at the altar. I approached one lady and asked, “How can I help you?” The lady looked at me sheepishly and said, “I cannot tell”. “Why?” I asked. And she said, “If I told you then I would be doing a negative confession. I cannot tell you about what I am suffering from!”

Then it dawned on me that this lady was most probably taught that to tell people about one’s sickness is not wise as it is not a positive confession. To cut the story short, I managed to explain the root of this superstition to her that it was alright for her to share with me her infirmities without the “curse” of the negative confession hanging over her head.

The Positive Confession Doctrine is a belief system that has gained popularity in some Christian circles, particularly those who adhere to the Prosperity Gospel. This philosophy teaches that words have spiritual power and that if we speak aloud the right words with the right faith, we can gain riches and health, bind Satan, and accomplish anything we want. The belief is that positive confession can bring about positive results, while negative confession can lead to negative outcomes.

This belief system asserts that positive thinking and positive speech can shape a person’s reality and improve their physical and material circumstances. This doctrine has its roots in the teachings of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, a North American healer, and mesmerist who lived in the 19th century.

Quimby believed that illness was the result of erroneous beliefs and that a mind open to God’s wisdom could overcome any illness. He argued that all effects on the human body were the result of a chemical change in the fluids and that the mind played a crucial role in this process. If the mind was directed towards a particular organ, that organ could become deranged, leading to illness.

Quimby’s teachings influenced other thinkers of his time, including Warren Felt Evans and Mary Baker Eddy. Evans developed the doctrine of Mental Science, which shared many of Quimby’s ideas about the power of the mind to shape reality. Eddy, on the other hand, founded the Christian Science movement, which emphasized the healing power of prayer and the importance of positive thinking.

The Positive Confession doctrine also has roots in the broader New Thought movement, which emerged in the late 19th century. New Thought teachings emphasized the unity of God and humanity, the power of positive thinking, and the ability of individuals to shape their own reality through their thoughts and beliefs.

The Positive Confession doctrine gained widespread popularity in the mid-20th century through the teachings of preachers such as Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, and Kenneth Copeland. These preachers emphasized the importance of positive thinking and speech and taught that believers could use their words to create their own reality and overcome illness and poverty.

The idea of the Positive Confession Doctrine is definitely not based on biblical teachings, but if we want to connect it further, it is rather similar to the New-Age concept called the “Law of Attraction.”

This concept teaches that “like attracts like” and that positive thoughts and statements will bring about positive results. It suggests that everything is imbued with God’s presence and power, but not in the sense of the omnipresent Creator. Instead, it presents a Hindu/pantheistic view of God, which is at odds with our Christian beliefs.

One of the most concerning aspects of positive confession is the belief that words have a magical, spiritual power that can force God to give us what we want. This view is heretical and contradicts biblical teachings. It suggests that by using positive confession, we can manipulate God and bend His will to our own desires.

Furthermore, the results attributed to positive confession are said to be powered by the faith of the individual. This leads to the belief that illness and poverty are a type of punishment for sin, specifically a lack of faith. This idea is not supported by biblical texts such as John 9:1-3 and the book of Job, which refute the notion that illness and poverty are always the result of a lack of faith.

Positive confession can also be harmful because it promotes the idea that those who are experiencing difficulties in life are somehow responsible for their situation. This can lead to victim-blaming and can cause those who are struggling to feel shame and guilt.

Understanding Generational Curses – Part 6 (Nature Versus Nurture)

The Real Generational Curse
What is a Generational Curse? If you have not read my five earlier articles about this topic, please do so. For first-time readers, a generational curse is described as “the cumulative effect on a person of things that their ancestors did, believed, or practiced in the past, and a consequence of an ancestor’s actions, beliefs, and sins being passed down.” (Gospel Coalition).

As I have explained in my previous articles that the Adamic Curse of the original sin has often been misunderstood as the generational curses of our ancestors. Once this is understood, you will be glad to know that you have been liberated and there is no need to adopt the erroneous tedious approach of repenting and renouncing every sin of your ancestors. The Bible shows us a more expedient way – “Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people.” (Romans 5:18).

Therefore, if we were to use the language of the proponents of the generational curse, our biggest “generational curse” is found only in the first couple that God created – Adam and Eve. Their disobedience produced the Adamic curse and the original sin. And ever since then, after the Fall, the nature of all human beings has become corrupted and sinful. The imperfect environmental and genetic factors have compounded the problem which made us more susceptible to bad habits and poor health. Thus, our behaviors and medical records resemble those of our parents and their parents and we can link them directly to the Adamic curse but not the so-called generational curses. However, in spite of what we inherited, there is also the question of our own responsibility and accountability of our lives and behaviors. That raises the question of whether we are more affected by our nature or whether we are simply nurtured to become the types of people that we are.

Nature Versus Nurture
This is an age-old debate on whether we inherit our behaviors or we learn them from our elders. Dr. Brenda Shook, a professor of psychology at the National University, the largest, private nonprofit university in San Diego, USA, enlightens us by stating that we have often asked the wrong question – “Is human behavior genetic or learned?” The more accurate question should be “To what extent is a particular behavior genetic or learned?”

Without going into all the complicating scientific details, Dr. Shook said that we do not inherit behavioral traits or personality but genes. And these genes contain information that produces proteins. These in turn form various combinations that ultimately affect our behavior. In short, while our DNA code does not change, the epigenome may change. Interestingly, the environment and social influence can turn on or off a gene.

Dr. Shook says, for example, that you may think that a good singer has inherited her talent genetically. However, she points out this might not necessarily be true. The good singer may not have a good singing voice but somehow her brain is wired in such a way that she can learn and remember easily all the vocal lessons that she has taken. And so her excellent singing voice is due to her ability to remember and activate all the vocal skills that she has acquired. The immense ability to remember is inherited but her vocal excellence is not. This singer is an example of the effective use of both nature and nurture.

An understanding of human behavior from a scientific point of view is beneficial for our understanding of “generational curses” so that we are aware that we are not slaves to the DNA that we inherited from our ancestors. And that it is scientifically observed in their study of Epigenetics that the epigenome when affected by outside influence, will affect the physical structure of the genome, which in turn, dictates which genes to turn on and which to turn off.

Differentiating Reality From Excuses.
As Dr. Shook has pointed out a person’s character may be affected both by nature and nurture. And so with that understanding, we should be able to differentiate what is reality and what is an excuse. No one can fully blame their ancestors for how they behaved and the consequential results of their behaviors.

For example, one believer approached me for advice because he believed that he was under the generational curse of gambling. He told me that his father was a gambler and so was his grandfather. However, I discovered that all his other four siblings were not gamblers. If it was a generation curse then why didn’t it affect all his other siblings? In fact, all of them were doing well in their careers and living responsible lives. Later, one of his brothers told me that this man was the “black sheep” of the family. Since a child, he had lived a very irresponsible life. He was the only one who did not help out at the mother’s hawker stall selling wanton noodles. He was playing truant somewhere while all his siblings realized their stark financial situation, and helped their mother whose business was the only source of income. To me, this man was definitely not under any generational curse but simply an irresponsible person who lived a very careless life.

Personal Dysfunction Versus Generational Curses
Too many people hide behind this concept of generational curses and dodge the true problem that lies in their personal dysfunction and wrong decisions. If they only take responsibility to resolve their problematic behavior than merely embrace this false teaching of generational curses so as to render themselves, helpless victims.

In conclusion, the only real curse is the wrong belief that we are powerless to break our personal dysfunctions and surrender our future to these mystical “generational curses”. When we understand that the Adamic curse has been nullified at the cross, no amount of “generational curses” can derail the purpose and objective of God in our lives.

What Does It Mean To Be Seated In Heavenly Realms?

The question is often asked, “how can we be seated with Christ in the heavenly realms if we are still here upon this earth?” Let’s look at what Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:4-7

But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

The Theory of the Spiritual Position
Some teachers of the Bible believe that this is a spiritual position. The idea is that though we are living in the physical realm and experiencing natural realities, our spirit “in Christ” is seated in the exalted spiritual realm known also as “heavenly places”. This is supposedly the spiritual realm of Christ’s victories and therefore, you are expected to live in His favor and victory on earth.

Does your spirit need to leave your body to enter into the heavenly realms? Some teachers have the idea that is very similar to Plato’s dualism (but not in its entirety). If my understanding of what they believe is correct, then they are saying that the body and spirit are two separate entities and can exist in different spheres. So, the spirit is “seated” in the heavenly realms with Christ while the body on earth is being directed by that human spirit that is seated above. I do not subscribe to this mystical idea and I will explain why later.

The Theory of the Legal Position
Other teachers suggest that this “seated in heavenly realms” is an expression of our legal position. We are still here on earth and the “heavenly places” expression has to do with our legal rights being restored by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To them, our new legal position has placed us not so much as being physically there in the heavenly realms with Christ but having the legal rights and authority of Christ who is in the heavenly realms. Our real-life condition remains staunchly here on earth but we function with heavenly authority. This theory sounds plausible but is it really what the Bible is teaching?

The Prophetic Perfect
Having discussed the two commonly preached positions, let’s venture into the biblical understanding of this exciting portion in Ephesians 2:4-7. For this purpose, I like to introduce you to a particular style of writing of the Bible known as the Prophetic Perfect. Bible scholars recognize the Hebraic and Aramaic idiom of using past tense to express the certainty of something in the future. This is known as the “perfective of confidence– something that God is so confident that in His mind, even though the event is still in the future, He declares it as accomplished or has already happened.

The Promise To Abraham
For example, in Genesis 15:18, in the original Hebrew text, it is “To your descendants, I have given this land.” At that time, all those descendants had not existed and how could God give them the land? You would not be asking this question if you understood that God was using prophetic perfect in his promise. He was so confident in giving this land to Abraham’s descendants and so He used the prophetic perfect to emphasize the certainty of the event one thousand years before it actually happened.
There are just too many occasions that the prophetic perfect has been used in the Bible for me to list all of them here. Let me give you a few more examples:

Victory In A Battle
A quick reference to Numbers 21:34 (NIV) –  The Lord said to Moses, “Do not be afraid of him, for I have handed him over to you, along with all his people and his land. Do the same to him as you did to King Sihon of the Amorites, who ruled in Heshbon.” 
The context of this portion was God assuring Moses that Israel would win the battle against Og, the king of Bashan. Here most of the English translators kept the original prophetic perfect meaning. Reading the NIV translation, you may think that the battle was already over because God said, “I have handed him over to you, along with all his people and his land.” The truth is that the battle had not been fought yet but in the mind of God, it was already a done deal.

The Coming Of The Messiah
Let’s check a prophecy about the coming of Jesus, given by Balaam. We read Numbers 24:17 (NIV) – “A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.” Did you realize that in most English translations this portion is in the future tense except in the Young’s Literal Translation (YLT)? The reason is that Robert Young the translator followed rigidly what he read in both the Textus Receptus (TR) and the Masoretic Text (MT). Young’s translation has accurately expressed the Hebrew text of the prophetic perfect tense – “A star hath proceeded from Jacob, And a scepter hath risen from Israel.”
This was to be fulfilled by Christ 1,400 years after the prophecy but in the sight of God, it was already a done deal.

Let’s look at another popular scripture about the coming of Jesus – Isaiah 9:6. God was so certain of the coming of His Son that He made Isaiah write in the prophetic perfect tense- “To us, a child has been born, to us a son has been given, and the government has been on his shoulders, and he has been called Wonderful, Counselor….” Can you now recognize the force of the prophetic perfect tense? Isaiah was writing as though this birth of Jesus was a past event, even though he knew that it would be something far in the future – actually 700 years into the future.

Prophetic Perfect Tense In The New Testament
What about the prophetic perfect tense in the New Testament? We have to remember that the New Testament was written in Greek but by people who were mostly Jews or living in the Jewish culture. It is like me – I am Chinese and raised in Chinese culture but I speak and write in English. Many of my Chinese cultural influences are reflected in my English messages and writing.

The Prophetic Perfect Tense In Jude
In Jude 1:14, we see the force of the prophetic perfect tense at work – “It was about these people that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, when he said, “Look, the Lord came with myriads of His holy ones.” (Amplified version). The International Standard Version states: “Look! The Lord has come with countless thousands of his holy ones.
Most English translators used the future tense to translate this portion because they did not want to confuse the readers. Imagine those who only read the “prophetic perfect” translations, they may not understand the purpose of God in emphasizing His certainty of a future event, and so they may be puzzled and ask, “When did the Lord come back with thousands of His holy angels?” Once again, the purpose of the prophetic perfect tense is to indicate the certainty of the second coming of the Lord with His angels.

The Prophetic Perfect Tense of Ephesians 2:6
Paul apparently used the prophetic perfect tense when he wrote: “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus“. Surprisingly, the majority of the English translations followed the past tense in the Greek text and did not use the future tense. And that is why many believers who have no idea about the idiom of the prophetic perfect struggle with this idea of “seated in the heavenly realms” while they are still here, very much alive. on earth. If only they knew that God is so confident of them sitting with Christ forever in heaven in their future that He inspired Paul to express it in the past tense with the prophetic perfect sense.

Most scholars will tell you that the concept that God has “already seated His people with Christ in the heavenly realm” as a past or present experience is not found in all the other epistles of Paul the Apostle. The more accurate explanation will have to be that this is a statement of God’s absolute confidence that His people will one day be seated eternally with Christ.

Now, you may have some doubts about this explanation. Let’s look at the fact – you are here on earth and not in the heavenly realms. You can only look up to what Colossians 3:1 has stated – “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

Which Scripture Is Literal?
Now, you have to figure out which scripture is literal and which is prophetic perfect. If you accept Ephesians 2:6 as a literal “sitting in the heavenly realms now” then you will have to reject Colossians 3:1 which places you on earth, looking above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. However, since the Bible does not contradict itself, I would definitely accept Colossians 3:1 as literal and Ephesians 2:6 as an expression of the prophetic perfect tense.

Therefore, based upon Colossians 3:1, we are now living on earth, serving the kingdom of God and we are looking and seeking “above” where “Christ is seated right now in the heavenly realms”. Then, with our understanding of the prophetic perfect tense in Ephesians 2:6, we are confident that one day, in the future, we will definitely be seated with Christ in the heavenly realms.

Blood Covenant Part 3: Should You Be Sprinkled With The Blood?

For many years, I have observed how the previous religious cultures of believers have influenced how they believe the Word of God. One of the most misunderstood concepts among these believers is the blood of Jesus. In certain Eastern religions, actual blood sacrifice is made to their deities. I saw a video of a man who plunged his head under the gushing blood of a decapitated carcass of a sacrificed animal. The purpose was to get his sins cleansed by the blood of the sacrificed animal. Another series of disturbing photos online showed devotees of certain Eastern religions drinking fresh blood right off the recently killed animals. Some believers today also have this idea that the blood of Jesus is to be magically sprinkled upon them when they ask to be “covered or sprinkled by the blood.” A similar image of the gushing blood of Jesus somehow would cover and protect them. And so, with this idea, they proceed to “cover their loved ones and their treasured items with the blood of Jesus”. Many of them are now doing this as a daily ritual for divine protection and guidance. Our question is whether this practice was taught by Jesus and the Apostles. Should believers continue to include such a ritual in their daily life?

The Contextualization of the Gospel
As the Gospel of Jesus Christ is spread throughout the world, it is inevitable that certain degrees of contextualization of the message would take place. What is contextualization? To put it in a nutshell, it is to share the message of God’s love in the language and cultural understandings of a particular race, dialect, nation, or culture.

For example, the celebration of the birth of Christ on 25th December. This is a tradition that is supposedly adapted from the ancient European celebration of the resurgence of the sun after a harsh winter. The joy of welcoming spring and the warm summer was contextualized from welcoming the sun to welcoming the Son of God.

Healthy contextualization helps the people to appreciate the Gospel within their own cultures, languages, and also meanings. However, if contextualization is not done properly, then all kinds of misunderstandings will happen in the local Church. For example, in the 1970s, we received news that certain remote churches in China actually sacrificed goats or sheep and drank their blood on Good Fridays.

In Singapore and Malaysia, due to the Charismatic influences of the 1970s to 2000s, many extra-biblical teachings from other nations became appealing to the local believers. The new believers readily swallowed the teachings by teachers of Generational Curses, performed prayer walking to rebuke the territorial spirits, depended upon personal prophecies from self-styled prophets, sold out to the teachings of the Word of Faith that included the “name it and claim it” approach of the prosperity gospel. Then they were inundated by the laughter movement, animals’ sounds movement, uncontrollable shaking and jerking of the head movement, etc. All these were claimed to be the new works of God as they did not have any biblical basis or precedents.

Sprinkled By The Blood?
When more people from other religions were converted, they found consoling similarities of their former religions in Christianity. For example, the idea of being “sprinkled by the blood” or “covered by the blood”. The biblical image of having the blood of the sacrifice sprinkled over the people came from a ceremony conducted by Moses upon the children of Israel as commanded by God in Exodus 24:4-8…

[Moses] got up early the next morning and built an altar at the foot of the mountain and set up twelve stone pillars representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Then he sent young Israelite men, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed young bulls as fellowship offerings to the Lord. Moses took half of the blood and put it in bowls, and the other half he splashed against the altar. Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They responded, “We will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey.”
Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people, and said, “This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words.”

In that unique, one-time ceremony, Moses splashed half of the sacrificed blood upon the altar, and the other half, he sprinkled on the people to symbolize the covenantal bond between God and Israel. Though this only happened once in biblical history, what Moses did was not an uncommon practice among ancient civilizations. To those people of antiquity, the principle of any worthy covenant had to be sealed with blood. The parties involved in the covenant became partakers of that blood and became committed to a sacramental union.

The writer of Hebrews recalled this incident in Hebrews 9:19-22
When Moses had proclaimed every command of the law to all the people, he took the blood of calves, together with water, scarlet wool, and branches of hyssop, and sprinkled the scroll and all the people. He said, “This is the blood of the covenant, which God has commanded you to keep.” In the same way, he sprinkled with the blood both the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies. In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

The New Covenant In The Blood of Jesus
Strictly speaking, you should avoid doing the ritual of sprinkling water as imaginary blood or worse still, usinfg real raw blood of a sacrificed animal. This has never been required in the New Testament. Why shouldn’t you do that? The reason is that God has instituted a sacrament known as the Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper, just for you.

Reading from 1 Corinthians 11:25, we will see its meaning:
In the same way, after supper He [Jesus] took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of Me.

When you partake of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion, you are recalling the sacrifice of the Lord upon the cross. The purpose of His sacrifice is to reconcile the relationship between God and you. Jesus specifically said that the cup represented the “New Covenant” in His blood. This blood was poured out for you (Luke 22:20) and it was to take the place of the past animal sacrifices practiced in ancient Israel. You of course know that during the Holy Communion, you are not drinking actual blood but a symbolic representation made either of wine or grape juice. You also do not eat actual flesh but its symbol that is a piece of bread.

Do You Need To Plead The Blood Of Jesus?
The phrase “pleading the blood” is not found in the Bible but it is used among many believers today, especially those from the Charismatic circle. The word, “pleading” means a sincere and humble appeal to a higher authority. The phrase has almost a similar emphasis as “in the name of Jesus”.

Most people who plead the blood of Jesus see the scriptural relevance in Revelation 12:11 – “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” Thus to them, the idea is implied that you can actually conquer the devil and his demons by “pleading the blood of Jesus”.

As the “blood of Jesus” is just another term for the New Covenant in His blood, it may seem appropriate to appeal to the authority of this covenant rather than to a mystical image of the blood. However, it is not necessary to always appeal to the New Covenant because it is a “done deal”.

Many believers may not know the reason why they “plead the blood of Jesus” and may use it like a magic spell or a mantra, especially during deliverance. I have seen fellow ministers who kept “pleading the blood of Jesus” when they could simply command the demons to leave with their “kingly authority”. Others “plead the blood of Jesus” to declare and decree so as to claim certain imaginary “legal rights” to good health and great wealth. The level of superstition in modern Christianity is unimaginably high. Too many believers have unwittingly carried the rituals and beliefs of their former religions into the Christian faith.

Should you then use this phrase, “I plead the blood of Jesus?” Strictly speaking, you don’t have to. Jesus has already defeated Satan and all the fallen angels by His death on the cross and resurrection on the third day. That was a one-time event that forever changed history. Your faith in the finished work of Christ is good enough to provide all the protection that you need. However, if you feel that the phrase helps you when you are in the midst of a deliverance ministry, then it is perfectly harmless in using it. However, it is also meaningless to the demons because they already knew about this blood covenant of Jesus that has been established for you. What you need to do is simply to command the demons to leave with the authority and power of the Lord. So, instead of saying “by the blood of Jesus”, you can command “in the mighty name of Jesus”.

Here is a video teaching on the Blood of Jesus. I trust that it will help you appreciate and understand deeper the meaning of the blood covenant that God has with all of us.