What Should Christians Do About The Chinese Dragon?

When I was growing up in Singapore, the Chinese dragon held a significant place in our family’s tradition. One of my first paintings, as a child, was a Chinese dragon which my father proudly hung on the wall of our living room. It’s not just our family but many Asian families are obsessed with the idea of having a benevolent dragon blessing them. The Chinese people are so in love with the dragon that we like to be known as “Descendants of the Dragon (龙的传人).

This year (2024), is a “Dragon Year”. This is an ancient idea rooted steeply in the Chinese zodiac system that consists of a 12-year cycle, with each year associated with a specific animal. The dragon holds a special place as one of the most revered animals in Chinese culture. It is believed to be a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. Dragons are associated with the emperor and are seen as auspicious creatures.

Those Chinese babies born in the Year of the Dragon are believed to possess exceptional qualities and are often held in high regard. This reverence for the dragon has been deeply ingrained in Chinese culture and passed down through generations.

Back in 1984, when I was first appointed an Assistant Pastor, in the “Ship Series” currency notes of Singapore, the 50-dollar note featured a depiction of a dragon. At that time, because of this dragon design, some Christians refused to have the 50-dollar notes in their wallets. As for me, I told these friends that I was willing to have all their 50-dollar notes if they were afraid to hold on to them.

In this article, I will explore the origins and diverse interpretations of the Chinese dragon and understand the concerns that some Christians have regarding its compatibility with Christianity.

The Composite Nature of the Chinese Dragon
Unlike the dragons found in Western mythology, the Chinese dragon is a composite creature, incorporating features of various animals. It typically has the head of a camel, the ears of an ox, the body of a serpent, the scales of a fish, the claws of an eagle, the antlers of a deer, and the eyes of a demon. This amalgamation of different animals symbolizes the dragon’s ability to embody different powers and attributes, making it a revered and complex symbol in Chinese culture. So, strictly speaking, the Chinese dragon does not exist in reality except in the imagination of the Chinese people.

Origins and Cultural Significance
The Chinese dragon has a history that dates back thousands of years, and it is deeply intertwined with Chinese mythology, folklore, and spiritual beliefs. The early Chinese who descended from one of the sons of Noah were worshippers of one God. In time, they moved away from that worship and they embraced animistic beliefs that recognized the spiritual essence of various creatures. Animals were seen as more than mere physical beings; they were believed to possess spiritual qualities and powers. This belief system led to the attribution of symbolism and reverence to certain animals, such as dragons. The Chinese dragon was believed to bring rain, ensuring bountiful harvests and prosperity for the people. It was also seen as a protector, guarding against evil spirits and bringing good fortune.

Are All Dragons The Same?
The serpent who is the “great red dragon” mentioned in the Bible, held a prominent and benevolent position in various ancient cultures. In Egypt, it symbolized protection and served as a guardian for the pharaohs. Greeks regarded serpents as protectors against evil, associated them with good fortune, healing, and fertility, and linked them to the symbol of Asclepius, the God of Medicine.

World Health Organization logo featuring the Aesculapian Rod, 

In India, snakes were seen as guardians of sacred places, bringing luck and fertility. The Celts associated serpents with wisdom, healing, rebirth, and feminine power. Native Americans also revered snakes for their connection to fertility, healing, and renewal. In Mesoamerica, serpents were powerful beings, and the feathered serpent was a significant deity. The Naga snake even sheltered the meditating Buddha in Buddhism. These cultures embraced the serpent as a symbol of positive attributes and celestial protection.

Are Dragons Really Benevolent Creatures?
Here are several reasons why many consider the dragon to be a benevolent being.
Firstly, when Satan took control of the world system, he introduced the serpent or dragon symbol as a representation of his benevolence. Soon, many cultures began to worship him through the serpent or dragon idols. He has succeeded in becoming a temporary god for the people to worship.
Secondly, throughout history, Chinese folklore has developed numerous stories depicting dragons as benevolent creatures. These tales have ingrained in people the belief that serpents and dragons are friendly beings. As the serpent is connected to the natural world, such as its association with water and fertility, contributed to its positive symbolism in these cultures.
Thirdly, Another aspect worth mentioning is that snakes and dragons are often associated with qualities related to life and renewal. This association stems from their unique ability to shed their skin, symbolizing a process of rejuvenation and transformation.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier, some ancient mythologies featured serpents as wise and knowledgeable beings, often associated with healing, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. Such positive attributes could have influenced the perception of serpents as benevolent creatures in these ancient cultures.

Christian Perspectives and Concerns
From a Christian standpoint, many believers find it challenging to embrace the Chinese dragon as a symbol compatible with our Christian faith. Christianity strictly advocates monotheism, the belief in a single God, and discourages the worship or veneration of any other entities. Therefore, the ancient symbolism and mystical attributes associated with the Chinese dragon can be viewed as conflicting with our Christian teachings.

Respecting Cultural Diversity and Understanding:
While Christians may have reservations about embracing the Chinese dragon as a symbol, it is crucial to approach cultural differences with respect and understanding. Appreciating the cultural significance of the dragon to the Chinese people does not necessarily mean compromising our faith. It is possible to acknowledge and learn about our former cultures while remaining steadfast in our Christian beliefs.

Having said that, it is important to show our Christian faith with our love, faith, and hope. Merely engaging in traditional practices of visitation, giving of oranges, exchanging gifts, tossing of yusheng, exchanging the traditional greetings, and giving or receiving angpows with dragon motifs does not imply participation in evil. We should not allow the symbolism of the dragon to have a controlling influence over us.

Personally Speaking
Even though the Chinese dragon may be deemed benevolent to the Chinese culture, I recommend that we as believers avoid identifying with it. However, it is important to approach the situation with love and consideration. When someone gives me a gift or an angpow with a dragon motif, I humbly accept it. Even on social media such as through WhatsApp and Telegram, many believers sent me cliparts and emojis that have dragon motifs. I did not reject them. I receive all the greetings by faith, whether there are dragon motifs or not. Being gracious and kind is the best testimony for the glory of God.

I know of many young believers who may find the dragon motif to be troubling. To present a good Christian testimony, we should avoid wearing clothes with dragon motifs or using symbols of the dragon to decorate our homes. Out of love and respect for their conscience, we should choose not to give angpows with dragon motifs, understanding that they may cause discomfort or conflict.

It’s important to create an environment where we respect and care for one another first rather than just being legalistic and showing harsh disapproval of the dragon motifs. This means that at all costs, we should consider how others feel and adjust our actions if needed. When we act with love, we prioritize the well-being of those around us. By being kind and considerate, we help build a society where everyone feels included and valued.