The Immeasurable Reward of Loving Jesus

Loving Jesus is a central tenet of our Christian faith, and it is a lifelong journey of growing in our relationship with Him. For true believers, Jesus is not just a historical figure or a wise teacher, but the Son of God who came to earth to save humanity from sin and death. The Bible teaches that God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. Through faith in Jesus, we can receive forgiveness and eternal life, and we can experience the transforming power of His love.

Loving Jesus is more than just believing in Him or acknowledging His existence. It means having a personal relationship with Him and making Him the Lord and Savior of our lives. How do we know whether we have a deep personal relationship with Jesus? A piece of simple evidence is our regular communication with Him.

When you love someone, you want to spend time with that person, and fellowship with him or her. With God, it would be how often we really communicate with Him through prayers. Pastor John Piper said, “Prayer as a relationship is probably your best indication about the health of your love relationship with God. If your prayer life has been slack, your love relationship has grown cold.”

Another important way of showing our love for Jesus is by following His commandments and living our lives in a way that honors Him. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). This means that we must not only believe in Jesus but also live out His teachings in our daily lives.

As Frederick H. Taylor said, “Christ is either Lord of all or is not Lord at all”. Are we allowing Jesus to rule all aspects of our lives? To choose and pick what He can rule and what He cannot only means our unwillingness to give Him all of our hearts. In this case, Jesus might have to step out of our lives and leave us to our own devices. Many have gotten it wrong and tried to avoid obedience because they do not want to be “imprisoned” by it. What a tragic choice! Obedience is actually not bondage but freedom for it is the only way that God can hold our hands and lead us along this assured path to real freedom.

Jesus wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves, forgive those who have wronged us, and show compassion and kindness to those in need. Therefore, loving Jesus also means loving others as He loved us. Jesus taught us to love even our enemies and to show compassion and kindness to all people. He said, “By this, all will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). This means that we must not only love those who are like us but also those who are different from us.

Talking about loving the unlovable, I must confess that it wasn’t easy for me and my team of orphanage volunteers to take in those street children who lived on the streets of Phnom Penh in Cambodia. They were naughty, quarrelsome, thieving, and absolutely filthy with lice in their hair. They were unlike the average children who have a certain degree of innocence in them.

After spending time living on the streets, they adopted the dirty tricks of the world. At a very young age, these unfortunate children, in order to survive, had learned to be manipulative, conniving, and cunning. Some older kids in our orphanage were fighting among themselves, stealing from our orphanage, and bullying smaller or younger kids. However, despite these, the love of Jesus motivated us to continue and take good care of these children. In fact, we went on to establish two more orphanages and were able to bless over 1000 homeless children.

We must seek to build bridges of understanding and compassion, even with those who may come from different social backgrounds, disagree with us, or hold different beliefs. We live in a skeptical world that is enveloped in competition, aggression, suspicion, and fear. And all these may affect us to become prejudiced against certain professions, certain races, and certain social classes. However, when we love Jesus deeply, we will soon discover that His love is helping us to take down these barriers. He comes in to open His arms of love through our lives. This love opens a passageway for hostility to become hospitality. A zone of Agape love is created to welcome the very people we fear or doubt. As Henri Nouwen so aptly said that in this zone, “strangers can cast off their strangeness and become our fellow human beings.”

Loving Jesus is not always easy, and it requires us to make sacrifices and put Him first in our lives. But the reward of loving Jesus is immeasurable. Through His love, we can experience joy, peace, and a sense of purpose that cannot be found anywhere else.

As we love Jesus more deeply, we can also grow in our love for others and become a reflection of His love to the world. We can become agents of change and transformation, bringing hope and healing to a broken and hurting world.

In conclusion, loving Jesus is at the heart of our Christian faith, and it is a journey that requires us to continually grow in our relationship with Him. Whether we are just starting our journey or have been walking with the Lord for many years, we must always strive to love Him more deeply and share His love with those around us. Through His love, we can become the people that God created us to be, and we can make a positive impact in the world.

Here is a message by Rev Albert Kang that elaborates more about what Agape love is:

Here is a message by Pastor Karen Wong about the secret to tapping into God’s reservoir of love:

Empowered Witnesses For Christ

There is a story about a believer who prayed to God for the courage to witness for Jesus. He said, “Father in heaven, if you really want me to witness to someone about Jesus, please show me a sign as to who this person is.”

Later that day, he took a bus and realized he was the only passenger. Then, the bus stopped for another passenger. The timid Christian was shocked to see this tall tattooed man boarding the bus. And his fear became more intense as the man sat right beside him.

The timid believer was praying for the bus to stop quickly so that he could get away from this scary man. However, before he could do anything, the man turned and talked to him. He was surprised because he could see tears in that man’s eyes.

The man said quietly, “I had a terrible dream and found myself in hell. You looked like an intelligent man. Can you tell me how not to go to hell?” The timid believer said, “Wait, let me pray about this!” He immediately bowed his head and asked the Lord, “Is this the sign for me to witness now?”

You may laugh at the reaction of this believer because the Lord had made it so obvious. Sadly, this story represents the fact that many Christians do not see the need or have the knowledge of witnessing for Jesus. They consider witnessing or evangelism as a secondary requirement, in spite of the fact that they are specially called to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

In Acts 1:8, Jesus said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” You are not just going to be a witness but you will be a powerful one. This power that Jesus promised is not just for the disciples in the Bible but for every believer today.

We have been given the power of the Holy Spirit to boldly witness and share the gospel with confidence and speak the truth in love. We can command healing for the sick and see them healed, and we can cast out demons in the name of Jesus. As we apply the “two-hand” punch – applying the power and authority to heal the sick and cast out demons plus sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, the power of the Holy Spirit will help us to overcome fear and doubt. We can trust in God’s strength and not our own abilities. People will be miraculously healed and they would want to know what supernatural power heals them. And that is when we can share the Gospel with confidence. When we step out by faith, the Holy Spirit will always empower us to do what we cannot do on our own.

Power Evangelism is effective when it is enhanced by our life testimony. We have to live a life that reflects this Agape love and grace of God. We witness for Jesus is by being the love of Jesus extended. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and this includes everyone we come into contact with. When we show kindness, compassion, and forgiveness to others, it can be a powerful witness to the love of Jesus. Oftentimes, the seed of salvation is planted.

By being authentic and true to ourselves, God will use our unique testimony to touch others for Christ. While this can seem intimidating at times, however, it is important to remember that we do not have to be perfect or have all the answers. Instead, we can simply share our own personal experiences with Jesus and how He has transformed our lives. As unique individuals, God has indeed given each of us a unique story to share. We can share our testimony, how we came to know Jesus, and the ways in which He has worked in our lives. When we are open and honest about our struggles and how Jesus has helped us through them, we can be powerful witnesses to others.

In conclusion, witnessing for Jesus can seem intimidating, but it is important to remember that we do not have to be perfect or have all the answers. By being authentic and true to ourselves, loving others, and living out our faith in our daily lives, we can be powerful witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Here is a video on how God can empower you to change the world

Here is another message by Rev Dr. Wilson Ng that will bless you too.

The Lost Art of Christian Meditation

Christian meditation is a spiritual practice that can help you to connect with God on a deeper level and gain a greater understanding of His will for your life. It is a way of quieting your mind and focusing your thoughts on God’s truth.

We all know that Jesus spent long hours meditating and praying. He did that in the early morning hours way before dawn. He was showing us an example of what a true child of God should do regularly. We should have a deep and loving communion with our Father in heaven as often as we can. This discipline of Christian meditation is the essence of true discipleship.

In antiquity, believers also spent much time meditating and contemplating the Word of God. Some of these early Christians isolated themselves in desert communities to meditate and pray. They could be doing household chores or weaving baskets, but their minds, and hearts would be meditating on the scriptures in silent contemplation.

The island of Singapore is where I was born and grew up. My father owned a chicken rice business along East Coast Road. So, I spent many hours at the seaside in Katong. One of the things that I loved to do was gaze at the sea. In my young mind, I wondered what was beyond the horizon. Was there a God out there?

There was a mystery hidden in the crashing waves and vast open sky. Every cloud that floated by seemed to carry a silent message that eluded me. I sat for hours, alone but not alone. The silent quests of my wondering mind had kept me too busy to be alone. Little did I realize that I had stumbled upon “contemplation”. Later, when I became a Christian, this sense of wonder and awe helped me to contemplate and meditate upon God’s Word and His wonderful presence.

Kevin Holloran states: “Meditation is thinking in the presence of God, thinking God’s thoughts to Him and applying them to our lives, allowing our hearts and minds to be flooded with truth from the Word that the Spirit massages deep into our souls.”

One of the key aspects of Christian meditation is the use of scripture. By meditating on God’s word, you can gain a deeper understanding of His character and His plan for your life. This can help you to make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life. There are many different ways to meditate on scripture, including selecting a passage and reflecting on its meaning, memorizing a verse and reciting it throughout the day, or using a devotional or meditation app. Our church offers help in terms of meditation videos. Please help yourself to these videos andwe trust that they will help you in building up your spiritual life. [For FaithLine’s meditation videos, please click here]

Christian meditation can take many forms, including guided, silent, and group meditations. Guided meditations can be helpful for beginners, as they provide a structure and guidance for the meditation. We do this type of guided meditation in our Church on our prayer nights known as “Faith Power Night”. The participants join us through Zoom and meditated along with us. A recording of the meditation video is posted on YouTube so that others may benefit. [Please click here for a guided meditation by Pastor Karen Wong, the coordinator of Faith Power Night]

Silent meditations can be more challenging, but also more rewarding, as they allow you to connect with God on a deeper level. Group meditations can be a powerful way to connect with other believers and experience the power of prayer and meditation in the community.

Another essential aspect of Christian meditation is the use of prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool for deepening your relationship with God and experiencing His presence in your life. It can involve talking to God and asking for His guidance and wisdom, as well as listening for His voice and being open to His leadership. There are many different ways to pray, including using a prayer book or app, writing out your prayers in a journal, or simply speaking to God from your heart.

Praying in tongues is based on the fact that the Holy Spirit gives you the ability to pray in a language that is not known to you. This language is a form of communication between you and God. This is an important prayer gift that is given to those who seek it with a sincere heart. This is also a form of worship that allows you to connect more deeply with God. When you pray in tongues, you bypass your conscious mind and speak directly to God in a language that is not limited by your own human understanding. This practice has helped many to express their love and devotion to God in a more profound way.

In addition to scripture and prayer, Christian meditation can also involve using music or art to help focus your mind on God. Music can be a powerful tool for worship and meditation, as it can help to quiet your mind and focus your thoughts on God.

Every Sunday, after lunch, at 1:30PM, our sanctuary is used for “Open Worship”. This is similar to what is commonly known as “Soaking Service”. The participants may join and leave at any time. We have quiet instrumental worship music playing in the background. From time to time, the participants sing along with the music. There is freedom in movement as there is no fixed way of soaking in the Lord. Some people sit on chairs, others sit on the floor, some pace the floor, some dance, some cry, and some do flagging. The important key is that all who come should be able to open themselves up and spend quality time with the Holy Spirit. This weekly session helps our members to quiet their souls, let go of their struggles, draw near to God, and enjoy His holy presence. If you are interested to join us, here is our address:

Open Worship
Sundays – 1:30PM
FaithLine Centre, 3rd Floor, Wisma TA, 1A,
Jalan SS 20/1, Damansara Utama, 47400
Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Coordinator: Pastor Karen Wong – WhatsApp or Telegram @ +60 123503500

Art can also be a powerful tool for meditation, as it can help to engage your senses and connect with God in a new way. As an artist, I really know how true this is. For those hours of continual creative expression with my brush, paint, and canvas, the presence of the Lord was there.

Finally, Christian meditation can involve practicing mindfulness and gratitude as a way of staying present in the moment and appreciating God’s blessings. By focusing on the present moment and cultivating an attitude of gratitude, you can experience God’s presence in your life in a new and powerful way. This can involve simple practices like taking a few deep breaths and noticing your surroundings or keeping a gratitude journal and reflecting on the blessings in your life.

Overall, Christian meditation is a powerful tool for deepening your relationship with God and experiencing His presence in your life. By regularly engaging in this practice, you can gain a greater understanding of His will for your life and find peace and joy in His presence.

You are invited to meditate on Psalm 71 with Pastor Karen Wong, the coordinator of Faith Power Night at FaithLine International Ministries: