How To Hand Over All Interrupting Thoughts

One question that I received quite regularly is “How can I pray without interruption to my mind?” For years, I struggled with all the stray thoughts while trying to experience the presence of Christ in my prayer time. Then one day, I found a way and I like to share this with you.

MONKEY BRAIN – The anxiety that we sometimes experience comes from the constant barrage of thoughts in our minds. That barrage is like unruly monkeys jumping in and out. We can call this “monkey brain”.

This is disturbing especially when you want to enjoy the Lord’s presence.

How do you prevent these “monkeys” from interrupting you?

There is a way. It’s called “Handing-over Prayer”.

Most people make the mistake of trying to fight the thoughts that inundate their minds. When you fight a thought, you become “violent”. And that leads to stress. The very idea of fighting may be the reason why you don’t like to spend time with the Lord. It’s just too stressful.

So, what is the ideal way?

Here are some simple steps to help you focus upon the Lord whenever you pray:

IDENTITY – Instead of fighting the interrupting thoughts, you welcome them one by one. When an interrupting thought comes, you acknowledge it. You identify and welcome it. This is important because you are telling your mind not to be stressed by that stray thought. When a stray thought flashes in your mind, immediately identify and acknowledge it. This means that you are in control of it. You are not trying to fight it but you now have the power to manage it.

SHAPE AND COLOR – Some people think in images and pictures. If you are one of them, it may be helpful to give the interrupting thought a shape and a color.

For example, if the thought of a particular fear such as financial bondage comes into your mind, give it the shape of a black ball.

If a good thought comes but it is still interrupting your time with the Lord, you will want to give it a shape and color too.

Take an example, the image of someone you love appears. Identify the person, and in your mind, put a red heart shape frame around the person’s face.

HAND OVER TO THE LORD – Since your purpose is to spend time with the Lord, you will want to hand over all these good or not-so-good thoughts and images to the Lord.

You may lift up the interrupting thought with your hands (real or imaginary) and gently release that interrupting thought to the Lord… just like you are releasing a bird.

The other approach is to open your hands and drop the thought. It’s similar to dropping a heavy object.

Both approaches help to prevent the thought from staying in your mind and free you to worship and meditate upon the Lord.

REPETITION – If the thought interrupts again, gently repeat the process.

CONTACT POINT OF FAITH – Soon, you will realize that you are able to focus upon the Lord better. To help your mind remain in the presence of the Lord, you may like to use a word or phrase to serve as a contact point of faith.

As for me, when I realize that I am losing focus, I will call out, “Lord Jesus”. His name helps me to return my attention to Him. You may use any words. Some say, “Hallelujah” and others say, “Maranatha”. Every time, they are distracted, they simply say that word or phrase to serve as a contact point of faith. So, you can do likewise.

SPEAKING IN TONGUES – If you have the gift of tongues, you may pray in tongues after you meditate upon the Lord and enjoy His presence. Speaking in tongues helps you to remain in the Lord’s presence and also allows your being to rest in His embrace.

I trust that you will enjoy spending time with the Lord as you get saturated with His love and peace. You need to practice and get used to releasing all your stray thoughts and anxieties to the Lord. God bless!

Albert Kang

Here is a video teaching on Handing-over Prayer. Please check it out.