What Makes The Demons Come Back Again?

A woman desperately wanted to place a curse upon her ex-husband. She had been to different bomohs and witch doctors but somehow, their black magic were not effective. Through some friends, she learned that she could cause real harm to her ex by getting the supernatural power herself. She was recommended to a Thai temple in Bangkok and so with a friend, she flew there. They found the Wat (Thai word for temple) and without hesitation, this hurting woman agreed to perform in a very unique power-endowment ritual. She was to strip and allow the monks to wrap her naked body with a large yellow blanket-like talisman that had many demonic curses written upon it. In that hour-long ceremony, the monks summoned evil spirits to respond to her request and the result was that she, herself, became possessed by evil spirits.

The Result Of Playing With Fire
When this woman returned home, instead of having the supernatural ability to harm her ex, her own life was thrown into a tailspin. She was seeing apparitions, hearing strange sounds and experiencing deep depression. She realized that she was in big trouble and sought for help. One of her friends, who had just become a Christian, brought her to the Church. Later, she repented of her sins, renounced the devil and accepted Jesus as her Savior. But devil was not going to give her up so easily. She manifested and during the deliverance sessions, some demons left. However, her inner struggle with unresolved anger and bitterness towards her ex continued to be the magnet that drew the demons back into her life.

Every time, she had the evil thought and felt the deep anger against her ex, it was as though, she had placed Jesus outside the door, while she partied with the demons inside. There was definitely no Holy Spirit to serve as the Strong Man in her life. Her confession and repentance were only superficial at best. It took many months of counseling, confessing, repenting, renouncing and forgiving before she could be set free. In our experience with such deliverance, the unresolved anger and bitterness are the toughest doors to close. We can cast out the spirits but soon they would return to the victim. We thus called this the type of deliverance the “swinging-door” syndrome.

The Swinging Door of Unresolved Anger and Bitterness
From case to case, we are 100% certain that the “swinging door” of spiritual attack is revolving around unresolved anger and bitterness. When you lack self-control and allow such anger to overwhelm you, the devil will sneak in through the back door and fan the flame of hostility. The devil will instigate you to inflict harm on someone else by falsely accusing them or even uttering a curse against them. Such unrestrained dislike will lead to hatred and bitterness that subsequently will lead to physical violence. The hatred can become so intensified that the person may seek demonic power, just like the woman that I mentioned above, and move you down the dark alley of the occults.

When To Stop Casting Out Demons
There was a very difficult deliverance case, no matter how many times, we cast the demons out, in a short while, it returned back into the victim. In one of our Elijah Challenge training seminars, this woman suddenly created a commotion at the back of the sanctuary. She was singing and praising God loudly. The ushers could not stop her and so Grace rushed to handle the situation. With a few volunteers, she led this woman into the prayer room. By the time the training was over, Grace and the volunteers were still casting out the demons from this woman. When I went in to help, I realized that there was only one persistent demon left. When we took authority over it, the demon was literally weeping and begging. It pleaded for us not to cast it out as it had no place to go. We insisted that it had to leave that woman and it was agreeable. It screamed, “I will go! I will go!” When the demon left and we could see that the tension in the woman was gone and her face showed total relief.

As we prepared to leave the prayer room, suddenly the woman manifested again. It was the same demon who claimed that it had no place to go and so it came “home”. We cast it out, asked the woman to invite the Holy Spirit into her life, but in a short while, the evil spirit came back again. We did that several times and every time it was able to come back. We decided to stop the deliverance session and went into counseling.

We began to question the woman, looking for a reason why there was a swinging-door syndrome. The woman said that she hated her mother and that she would never forgive her. The reason was that her mother had rejected her when she was being conceived and had wanted to abort her. She said that after the abortion failed and she was born, her mother just hated her. In fact, now that she had a daughter of her own, her mother would often talk to the grandchild but would not talk to her. Her heart was wounded with disappointments and hurts. She hated her mother for all the deep emotional injuries that she had experienced while growing up. She hated her mother more for showing preferences to the granddaughter but did not even bother to communicate with her.

It was a big mess of emotional hurts and spiritual bondage. We could not convince this woman to hand all her grievances to the Lord and forgive her mother. She was adamant that it would be wrong for her to forgive that evil mother. To cut the story short, we had to go because she was unwilling to take the first step of forgiveness. When we left her, her whole being was still wrapped in the shackles of hatred, firmly held on by the evil spirit. It was a sad case, the key of hatred and bitterness had given the demon a free access into that person’s life. We have not heard from her pastor whether she was finally set free or not.

Here are some simple steps to prevent evil spirits from dominating your life.

1. Live a repented life – Repentance is changing your mind about your former way of life and turning around to accept the forgiveness of sins offered by Jesus on the cross. By doing that, you have been justified and fully saved. Living a repented life is to continue in the direction of the way of Christ by denying self and taking up your cross daily (Luke 9:23). A life of repentance is not a life of doubt but the tangible expression of the forgiveness of the Lord in your daily walk. It is also a call for your spirit to be aware of your self-centred weakness to follow after your own will and abandon the will of God. A repented life solves tons of life issues that centred around self and pride. And that also solves the bitterness and anger issues.

2. Surrender Your Compulsive Behavior – You know that you have a problem with demonic influence when you are having sudden urges of hostility and rage, strong desire for illicit sex and any forms of sexual perversion, uncontrollable craving to talk dirty, curse, gossip or blaspheme, consume defiled things such as drugs, alcohol and various types of harmful substances. To prevent further intrusion of this demonic influence, you need to refer back to the first point and that is to repent. And to live a repented life by learning how to hand over every assault upon your spiritual life to the Lord. You can learn how to do Handing-Over Prayer every day.

3. Stay away from the occult – Going to fortune-tellers, mediums, bomohs and spiritualists is a sure way to suffer demonic attack. It is just as dangerous dabbling with feng-shui, horoscope, astrology, tarot cards, yoga, qi gong, transcendental meditation, New Age etc. We have cast out demons out of a “Christian” who was obsessed with horoscope. One good guideline for Christians is that if you encountered any so-called spirituality that is not rooted in the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, then you know that you have to avoid them because they are from the demonic world.

VICTORIOUS LIFE IS YOURS – You can live a victorious life if you are willing to learn from Jesus who came as the Son of Man. The writer of Hebrews states in Chapter 4 and verse 15, “For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have One who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet He did not sin.” You have the same Holy Spirit, who was then working with Jesus, in you right now. He will empower you to overcome. Moreover, He is that “Strong Man” in your life. Trust that this message will be helpful to you when it comes to resisting temptations.

Here is a short 8-minute video on how to hand over everything to the Lord.

What To Do When A Demon Stays In Your Home?

A family moved to a renovated pre-war house and within the first month, there were a few sightings of a “ghost”. The five-year-old daughter kept talking to an empty chair and calling out, “Ah Gong! Ah Gong!” (Chinese words for grandfather). The parents also felt a scary presence and called us to the house. We commanded the spirit to leave in the mighty name of Jesus, dedicated the house to the Lord by anointing the different rooms with oil. And then we had Holy Communion with the family and laid hands upon all the family members as they re-dedicated their lives to the Lord. From that time on, no more apparitions or any demonic activities in that house because a “stronger man” was in the house.

Bind The Strong Man
As a disciple of Christ, you have the power and authority to command the demons to get out in the mighty name of Jesus. You have the Holy Spirit with you and He is the strongest of all “strong men”. With the Holy Spirit, you have the power to bind and take authority over all demonic activities in that particular place or person.

“No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house”
(Mark 3:27).

When Their Territory Has Been Infringed
This type of manifestations will only happen when a particular place or territory, that the demons have great desire to occupy, has been encroached upon. In the above event, the family had moved into a house that had been occupied by an evil spirit. This could be a familiar spirit that had been imitating a particular occupant who used to live there. That was why the apparition was that of an elderly man.

I remember another incident where an engineer’s home in Singapore was plagued with the sound of midnight’s cries. These scary cries happened after the graveyard next to his apartment was excavated.
His three sisters, who are believers, did not hear anything. He and their Filipino maid were the only ones who heard the cries night after night. When the sisters brought this man to see me, his eyes were like that of a panda. He had dark ring around his eyes because he had not slept for over a month. As he was a skeptic, and a very proud one too, he told me boldly, “I am an engineer and I am a man of science. I don’t believe in God or any supernatural things.” I challenged him to put aside his atheistic belief and call upon the name of Jesus whenever he hears the eerie cries again. He did and promptly, the following Sunday, he came back to Church and gave his life to Christ. The maid also came to Church after that and joined our Filipino fellowship. Later, this brother grew spiritually and became one of our faithful church leaders.

Demonic Presence In Places And Objects
You may have already learned that evil spirits can live in places and objects or that certain curses may be left in these places or objects. For example, Derek Prince’s ministry was affected by four embroidered Chinese imperial dragon pieces that he had placed on the wall of his living room. He had inherited those artifacts from his maternal grandfather who, while serving as an officer in the British army in China during the Boxer Rebellion of 1904, bought those pieces. Prince testified that throughout the time those four artifacts were on his wall, he was having financial difficulties, relational problems and encountering quite a few difficult situations. Then he decided to take action and this is what he said, “Now, I just got rid of the dragons but I began to realize that my whole level of prosperity had changed. I didn’t do anything different but the next year my income doubled without my making any changes. Then I received the inheritance, it was released.” (https://sermons.love/derek-prince/7220-derek-prince-release-from-the-curse.html).

Ways To Welcome The Enemy Into Your Premises
In 2016, students of several schools in Kelantan. Malaysia, went into mass hysteria after they claimed to see ghostly figures in their schools. This reminds me of an incident in 1979, when a mass hysteria hit the students at Woodsville Secondary School in Singapore. These children actually went into a frenzied trance-like state. The news report was, “”While some cried, shivered and started eating the grass and empty glasses, others stared into empty space with open eyes while performing a Tai Chi type of dance movement called the Kuda Kepang, an ancient Malay wedding dance.” (https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/from-the-straits-times-archives-past-mass-hysteria-cases-in-singapore). Based upon our experience, all these students who were reacting strangely were not suffering from any mental defects or chemical imbalance but they were all being affected by evil spirits. Somehow, something triggered the anger of the residing evil spirits and caused such a large-scale manifestation.

Demonic activities and curses are usually related to a certain legal rights or permission given by the unsuspected victim to the enemy. For example, ancestral worship would invite familiar spirits to come. Any forms of witchcraft, idol-worship, feng-shui, blood covenants and New Age activities will become an open invitation to the enemy to dominate the place whether it is a home, office or factory. The common signs of a dormant demonic presence in a particular location is that the occupants would often experience an absurd feeling of heaviness and depression. They may hallucinate, see apparitions and their sleep is often filled with nightmares. They may hear unusual voices in their heads or even audibly with their ears. Some may smell foul odor or an intoxicating perfume smell. They would suddenly dislike any topics about God and avoid attending Church. When they see any representations of the cross, they would become highly agitated. The atmosphere in the premises would usually be filled with hostility and tension. People will fiercely criticize one another, become highly quarrelsome and the sense of hatred will increase. However, once the cursed object is removed, sins confessed and repented, strongholds rejected and renounced, the premises should return to normal. And it would be advisable to get the premises ready for a “house-blessing” or “house-cleansing” dedication service to the Lord.

House Blessing or House Cleansing
Recently, one of our members had her new warehouse dedicated to the Lord. One of our Assistant Pastors performed the dedication ceremony.

The cleansing and dedication procedure is as the following: The owner, the Assistant Pastor and their cell members gathered at the location and since it was an empty lot, there was no idol or altar to be removed.

They began by worshipping the Lord with one worship song.
Then the Assistant Pastor read the following scripture verses:

Proverbs 24:3-4
By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches

Psalm 91:9-11
Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge— no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

The Assistant Pastor led the group to every room and he anointed the windows and doors and any other openings in the walls. After anointing of each room, he requested someone to pray for each room. Then he went and anointed the back door and windows. He asked someone to pray for that area. (The prayer for the kitchen or pantry area is usually a prayer for the safe preparation of food. no accident, no food poisoning. etc.)

For the final stage, the Assistant Pastor led the group back to the main lobby area (living room). He anointed the main door and windows – and then the Assistant Pastor prayed for God to bless the whole warehouse and its occupants (Home and family).

He concluded the dedication by pronouncing a word of blessing to the member and her staffs.
Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace

That ended the blessing ceremony. When we dedicate the premises to the Lord, we are saying in essence to all demonic spirits to get off that property. The premises, from that point onwards, belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything in that property, whether they be vehicles, equipments, indoor and outdoor items – they all belong to the Lord.

In some churches, after the house-blessing, they have what is known as “home-enthronement” ceremony which is to consecrate the owners as the rightful owners of the place. We do not do that in our Church because for us, the home-enthronement has already been given to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the king of our home or workplace. We are only stewards of the kingdom of God.

Here is a short 7-minute video message that may help you in understanding how to use the key to the blessing of God’s kingdom.

What To Do When Attacked By Demons of Gong Tau (Black Magic)

As we were preparing to leave the church for our residence, I felt an invisible force hitting me from the side and I became dizzy. Anyone could have thought that it was a physical symptom that needed medical attention. Immediately, in my spirit, I realised that I had become the target of a ferocious demonic attack. Even though the demons could not enter me, their force upon my whole being was overwhelming and consistent.

In one of our Elijah Challenge healing meetings, Grace and I ministered to a man whose life was turned upside down because of a curse caused by black magic or Gong Tau (降头) . The story began when this Malaysian man had an illicit relationship with a young foreign girl. When the relationship turned sour, this girl apparently used a black magic spell to send evil spirits against him. This type of demons possesses a stupefying power that totally dominates and subjugates the victim. The man became mentally confused and gave the woman all his money. Then, his emotional health started to deteriorate until he could not even hold a job. His friends who brought him told us that this man had been “blur” for two years after the affair. We proceeded to cast out the evil spirits. Immediately, the demons left and the man returned to alertness and full consciousness. Praise be to God.

After the deliverance, we prepared to leave the church for our residence. Suddenly, I felt an invisible force hitting my head from the side and I became dizzy. Anyone could have thought that it was a physical symptom that needed medical attention. However, in my spirit, I immediately realised that I had become the target of a ferocious demonic attack. Even though the demons could not enter me, wave upon wave of unseen power upon my whole being was overwhelming and consistent. I remember telling Grace that “these stupid demons are attacking me!”

As my wife drove us back to the house, my head was still spinning. In the midst of that unswerving spiritual attack, a part of me was extremely calm and peaceful. The Holy Spirit was ministering to my spirit and that He was giving me the assurance of His support. I began the counter-attack by rebuking under my breath but Grace had already taken over in rebuking the demons.

My wife had absolute faith in the Lord – when she took over, she was relentless in her commands of authority from the Lord. She did not resort to speaking in tongues like what most believers would do because she knew that speaking in tongues is for the purpose of communicating with God and not for spiritual warfare. She took full authority in the name of Jesus and rebuked the evil spirits and they were gone. As sudden as it came, the dizziness also left.

The reason why you need to do ministry with another ministry partner is for the purpose of covering one another in the event of spiritual attack.

To me, the attack felt like it was for a couple of hours but my wife told me that everything was over in less than ten minutes. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong that the attack was lifted immediately and the demons fled. I thank God that my wife is my ministry partner and she is adequate in the “Two-hand Punch Ministry” of casting demons out, healing the infirm and preaching the Word of God. Now, that is the reason why Jesus specifically sent out His disciples two-by-two so that in the event of such attack, they could cover for one another. The rule of the thumb is never try to do this type of ministry alone. We must always go with a ministry partner.

From time to time, spiritual attacks, such as what I had experienced, come as a tangible physical force against the body. It’s like being punched in the head. However, such direct demonic confrontations are rare. They are a form of spiritual attacks that is to create intense fear in the victims. For example, strange things may happen in the physical realm – the furniture are moving by themselves, plates start flying off the shelves, strange sounds may be heard and even apparitions start appearing.

.All these may look scary but when we know their intention, we can respond appropriately. If we were to respond with fear, then the demons would have succeeded. Simply stand your ground as a covenanted warrior of the kingdom of God, washed by the Blood of Jesus, and rebuke these manifestations in the name of Jesus and with the boldness of the Holy Spirit.

If no one places emphasis on prayer, then the demonic bondage will spread like virus and the power of the enemy will flourish.

In a previous article, I shared about the “demonic werewolves” that are very adept in the hit-and-run tactic of routine harassments and temptations. Whenever they find families, communities, cities and even whole nations that are poor in resisting them, they will seek to dominate and put them into spiritual bondage. That is why praying for your family, community and nation is very important.
Praying is welcoming the power of God over your situation, into the place of your authority and also into your life. When you pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, you are basically coming in alignment with the will of God and the power of the Holy Spirit to break all spiritual strongholds. If no one places emphasis on prayer, then the demonic bondage will spread like virus and the power of the enemy will flourish.

Here are some steps that you can take in repelling the attacks of the enemy. Please note that there is no magic bullet or any mystical formula. To protect yourself from being overwhelmed by the demonic power, you need to take definite steps of faith, perseverance and have a deep personal devotion to Christ.

1. Live A Repented Life
– in short, you are to live a moral life according to the scriptural teaching of loving God and loving others as yourself.
Do not go back to any worldly and religious practices of your past – such as worshipping idols, getting involved in witchcrafts, visiting fortune-tellers, consulting bomohs, mediums, or astrologers. Break all unholy soul-ties, gangland involvements and adulterous relationships. Stop all activities such as flirting, seducing, gambling, and cursing etc.
Begin to grow spiritually by the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit so that you will not only have the gifts of the Spirit but the fruits of the Spirit as well. And the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Spiritual transformation has to do with you being transformed internally to become more like Christ in your thought-life, emotion-life and decision-making life. It is not just an external behavioral change but an internal motivation and purpose to that of the lordship of Christ. This is what living a repented and moral life is all about.

2. Come Under The Covering Of A Church – You will notice that believers who reject being active members of a local Church usually come under spiritual attacks in the areas of their pride. These people are too proud to come under any spiritual authority and thus become isolated souls in the spiritual wilderness. As in the natural, predators always select and attack the isolated prey, so isolated believers become fair games for these demonic predators.
The Church is a spiritual organism and organization for spiritual growth, protection and ministry. Attending the Church services regularly will help to strengthen you as you receive the teachings, instructions and corrections of the Lord without the risk of straying from the Word of God. Many who are isolated from the community of faith ultimately depend a lot on self-instruction rather than that of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. That is where the vulnerability to demonic attack lies. Find a home Church, learn humility, serve others, attend a cell group, pray together, walk in the love of Christ and get involved in the ministries there. You will be safer and spiritually healthier.

3. Apply The “Two-Hand Punch” – Learn to use “Power Evangelism” whenever you reach out to the pre-believers. In Luke 9:1-2, we read, “When Jesus had called the Twelve together, He gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick”.
The “Two-hand Punch” has to be applied so as to knock out the devil – one hand-punch is “to drive out all demons and to cure diseases” and the other hand-punch is “proclaim the kingdom of God.”

4. Engage In Daily “Handing-over Prayer” – Learn how to pray by handing over every unwelcomed thought, every temptation, and every uncontrollable concern to the Lord. This type of prayer is so easy that you may doubt its effectiveness. However, the biggest mistake that most believers make is having the belief that the power of prayer lies with themselves. The truth is that the power of prayer lies with God and not in you. He is the One who will hear your prayer, however feeble, and He is the One who is going to respond to you. Your handing-over prayers do make a difference in how the devil is going to treat you. This fallen angel does not like to attack someone who is spending a lot of time with God.

Here are some resources to help you grow in your walk with the Lord and also to engage effectively in spiritual warfare. God bless.
Albert Kang

Getting Started In “Handing Over Prayer”.
What is “Handing Over Prayer”?
How do you get started?
Learn how to have your own “Handing Over Prayer” in this free step-by-step video lesson by Rev Albert Kang.

Are You Being Attacked By Demonic Werewolves?

The Second World War officially ended when Nazi Germany formally surrendered on May 8, 1945, followed by the surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945. The world celebrated but not the occupying Allied force in Europe. They were attacked by pockets of German resistance fighters, known as Nazi “Werewolves”. These radicalized guerrillas were killing isolated Allied soldiers in their jeeps or any lone soldier foolhardy enough to wander through a back road by himself. Many Allied soldiers lost their lives even after the war was officially over. Do you see a resemblance of what is still happening in the spiritual world? Though the victory has been won at Calvary cross, and the enemies have been defeated, Satan continues to send his demonic “werewolves” to attack the disciples of Christ. And the Church continues to suffer casualties.

We, the Church of Jesus Christ, are the occupying force for the Kingdom of God. Through the Great Commision, we have been assigned to take back what the devil has stolen. Before Jesus returned to heaven, He declared that we, His disciples, would do what He did and greater things we would do (John 14:12). Through the Holy Spirit, we will be able to preach the Good News to liberate every prisoner and heal the infirm plus cast out demons.

We have been given the legal rights to do so. Since the cross and resurrection, our debt of sins has been cancelled (Colossians 2:14) and we are free! The old devil has no legal rights over us and thus he is powerless to control us. He may use deception but he has no real power to dominate the Church. In short, we now have eternal life and while here on earth, we have the power and authority of Jesus, our commander-in-chief, to fight back.

“Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity so that by His death He might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—” (Hebrews 2:14)

Now, we are fighting from victory, not for victory. In Jesus, we have already won the war. What we are now engaging are just spiritual skirmishes and battles. We will fulfill the Great Commission if we continue to do this “mopping operation” according to God’s way. Here are some ideas as to how we can engage the enemy’s “werewolves”.

Recognize That The Enemy Is Real
Some young Allied soldiers did not believe that the Nazi Werewolves were still in existence when the war was over. So, that was how they lost their lives to these Nazi guerillas. In similar vein, some people believe that the enemy is just a figment of our imagination. However, the Bible reveals that Satan is a real evil supernatural being. Any efforts to explain away the presence of this fallen angel do not negate his reality. The Apostle Peter knew the truth and he warned, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8).

Recognize That The Enemy Is A Defeated Foe
The sniping activities of the Nazi Werewolves did not end until 1947 – two years after the war. Now after more than 2000 years, the demonic “werewolves” are still sniping. In spite of that, we must note that the whole focus of the Bible is about Jesus and how He has overcome the evil one. No matter how active the enemy might be, he is still a defeated foe. Jesus has not only given us the armour of God but he has also given us the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. And from His Word, we exercise the power and authority to cast out demonic “werewolves” and destroy the works of the evil one. The enemy will try to distract us by his relentless attacks, however, we must be careful not to become too fascinated with the evil one and the ministry of deliverance. There are other aspects of kingdom ministry that we have to engage in.

Recognize The Tactics Of The Enemy
The Nazi Werewolves used many guerrilla techniques such as explosive traps and hidden snares to ambush the Allied troops. Since the Fall of mankind, the devil has tried to trap us with false teaching, tantalizing sins, and temptation of developing bitterness towards one another. He uses the “divide-and-conquer” technique and many believers have fallen into it. Once, bitterness sets in, the believer will isolate himself or herself from the spiritual community, and that is when the demonic “werewolves” will attack.

One common trick that the Nazi Werewolves used was deception. Some disguised themselves like Allied soldiers so as to carry out subotage works. Other time, they disguised as civilians, walked near an unsuspected soldier and killed him at close quarters. Since they had no heavy guns and tanks, they relied very much upon hit-and-run tactics. When the young Allied soldiers began to lose their comrades, one by one, they quickly became discouraged. They became vulnerable to fear, stress and anxiety, especially when they had no idea where, when and how the attack would come. Many resorted to heavy drinking to allay their fear while others became mentally and emotionally unstable.

Though the devil has no direct power over us, like the Nazi Werewolves, he is able to manipulate us because he is the master of deception and discouragement. He works on our fear and builds upon our doubt. Dr. Chuck Lawless describes vividly what the scheme of the devil is all about  – that the enemy wants us to mess up (fall into sin), give up (get discouraged), get puffed up (live in arrogance), split up (divide), or shut up (quit evangelizing).

What The Enemy Wants From You?
What do you think the old devil really wants from you today? He wants you to be happy attending Church and doing all the religious stuffs. He wants you to keep your religion to yourself because it is a “private” matter. He wants you to think that happiness is the most important thing in life. In order to have long-lasting happiness, he recommends that you live only for yourself, achieve by yourself, and share everything with only yourself. As long as you behave this way, he will leave you alone until the appropriate time for the slaughter.

What The Lord Wants From You?
Jesus wants you to obey the Great Commission and serve as the occupying force for the kingdom of God.

“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28:18-20

The Lord wants you to model after Him and do what He did. What did He do while He was here on earth?

He preached the Gospel.
He healed the sick.
He cast out demons.
He made disciples.

Are you preaching the Gospel to the lost?
Are you healing the sick in the mighty name of Jesus?
Are you casting out demons from the afflicted and possesed?
Are you making new disciples for Jesus?

When You Do What Jesus Did
When you begin to take the Great Commission seriously, you will definitely face resistance. But because you have been blessed with the “Two-Hand Punch” then you are not perturbed by any opposition. With one hand, you share the Word of God. With the second hand, you cast out demons and heal the sick. Just like the disciples of antiquity, you are a well-equipped part of the powerful occupying force of the kingdom of God.

The demonic “werewolves” may still be around but when they know that you are not afraid of them, they will try to avoid you. That is when you have to go and find them. You are to cast them out in the mighty name of Jesus wherever they are. A true disciple of Christ is very powerful, such as Philip the Evangelist. In his presence, the demonic “werewolves” became like frightened little kittens.

“When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was great joy in that city.” (Acts 8:6-8)

The Chain Reaction Of Obedience
That was how early Christianity began to spread like wildfire. Disciples such as Philip touched hundreds of people in Samaria with the “Two-hand Punch” approach and subsequently the Lord directed him to a desert highway so as to get the Ethiopian eunuch saved. Consider the chain reaction that Philip had created. Every of his new converts was armed with the Two-hand Punch approach – going out there to save the lost and deliver people from diseases and demons. All these new believers, in turn, went out there and did the same. The domino effect was rapid and unstoppable.

Your life can be like that and you can be a catalyst for tremendous growth in the kingdom of God. Get yourself into the Word and read about the activities of the kingdom of God especially in the Gospels and Book of Acts. Read what Jesus did and what the Disciples did. Let the words of God speak to you and then take definite steps to fulfill the Great Commission in your life.

If you like to learn how to minister in healing and casting out demons, please visit the website of The Elijah Challenge. All materials and training videos are free in this website – https://theelijahchallenge.org/

You may like to watch this video about how to apply the proper approach to cast out demons in the mighty name of Jesus.

Let Jesus Love You

As disciples, we were told to give love. And after years of giving love, we may find it easier to keep giving love but a little harder in receiving love.

The greatest danger is that when we keep giving without receiving, we may become weary in well-doing.

Spending time with the Lord and receiving His embrace is just important as spending time praying for others, counseling others, teaching others and helping others.

The embrace of Christ will let us experience a deep love within our spirits.

Along with that, we will also encounter that proverbial peace that is beyond all understanding and joy unspeakable.

Pause for a moment from your sacrificial giving, and just be still.

Let the Lord into the deepest parts of your heart, especially into the secret chambers of your fear, doubt, self-rejection and insecurity.

Let Him in so that His presence may saturate your inner being until your soul is fully rested and restored in His love.

God bless


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How The Elijah Challenge Seminar Changed Our Lives

The launching of Elijah Challenge Asia in 2007. Pastor William and Pastor Lucille are 2nd and 3rd from the left. Dr. Thiagan is 4th from the right.

A ministry with signs and wonders was the farthest from our minds until we met Pastor William Lau and his wife, Pastor Lucille, the founders of The Elijah Challenge. That crucial day was 8th December 2005, my wife, Grace and I would have our lives and ministry completely transformed. From 20-plus years of “powerless” pastoral ministry with less than ten people healed through my prayer, my wife and I now have more than 10,000 healing miracles through our ministry since that day in 2005.

God’s Special Plan
It was our dentist, Dr. Thiagan Sinnadurai, a dedicated servant of God who challenged Grace and me to attend a healing seminar organised by his house church. I was not keen to attend because I knew that I did not have the gift of healing. For over 20 years of my ministry, I did not see many successful healing miracles after my prayers. In fact, a few people died after I prayed.

On that warm day of 8th December 2005, Grace drove me to the healing seminar. I was not in the most amiable mood. I had work to do and the chronic pain condition in my back was also not accommodating. When we could not find a parking space, I was elated. Now, I could miss the seminar and give a great excuse to Dr. Thiagan why we were not able to attend his meeting. However, God had other plan and He opened up a nice parking space for us. Still unhappy and mumbling under my breath, with Grace helping me, I walked slowly to the training location at Bangsar.

God’s Healing Approach
That day was to become a defining moment of our lives and ministry. Pastor William Lau, an American-Chinese, with a gentle Christ-like spirit, was systematic in his teaching. As a pastor, I was very attentive to catch any theological deviations or wrong doctrines. To my pleasant surprise, there were no strange doctrines, subjective visions or scary testimonies of being caught to heaven. Pastor William was not there to impress us with his profound theology because all he did was to read from the scriptures. Then he allowed those scriptural verses to speak for themselves.

Verse upon verse, precept upon precept, line upon line, my eyes were opened. Suddenly, everything about the power and authority to heal in light of sharing the Gospel began to make sense. Nowadays, I call this approach the “Two-hand Punch” – one hand is to minister in signs and wonders and the other hand is to share the Gospel. I remember, while Pastor William was teaching, I was thinking to myself why didn’t they teach me this Elijah Challenge’s approach in the Bible seminary? Even after earning a Master of Divinity, this truth in the Bible had completely eluded me. Why was I not told that there is a difference between the gift of healing and the authority to heal? Why didn’t the professors teach us how to use the kingly authority to do spiritual warfare and heal the sick in the context of preaching the Gospel?

Then came the most fascinating part and that was when Pastor William said that he would demonstrate this God-given power and authority by healing some of the participants in the name of Jesus. We noticed that he did not pray to Jesus to heal the infirm but rather he firmly commanded the infirmities and pain to leave the “patients”. He did exactly that to a couple of participants and they were healed of the back pain, leg pain and other infirmities.

Then he invited some of us to try. I was really interested and volunteered myself. I remember feeling the nagging pain in my own back while facing a participant who claimed to have three numb toes. With a fellow participant, I laid my hand on those numb toes. Pastor William specifically instructed us not to pray but command the infirmity to leave. And so that was what I did – I commanded for the feeling to return to those numb toes in the mighty name of Jesus. To my great surprise, the participant claimed that sensation had returned to his toes and he quickly testified to Pastor William. I was more shocked than happy. I did not believe that this brother’s toes were healed by me who simply spoke to them. That was my first experience in having immediate healing result after ministering.

The Elijah Challenge
Grace and I were to attend the same Elijah Challenge seminar another three more times and later took an advanced training course with Pastor William. Since then, our ministry has been completely transformed. It is filled with signs and wonders which is line with what the Bible says about the kingdom of God as not being a matter of talk but of power (1 Corinthians 4:20).

We have personally ministered healing to more than 10,000 people and witnessed them being healed in the name of Jesus. Since December 2005, we have also trained thousands of believers from both the mainline and Pentecostal/Charismatic churches through the Elijah Challenge training sessions and also the Healing Encounter Ministry. We have the joy of seeing our own trainees healing the infirm in the name of Jesus and casting out demons too. We trust that more and more believers will be encouraged to use the “two-hand punch” and touch many for Christ.

If you are interested in having your life and ministry being transformed into a “two-hand punch” power-packed encounter, please visit the Elijah Challenge website at theelijahchallenge.org
Everything is free in the website and you can also take a video-training course offered by Pastor William Lau.
Kindly read the following articles to get some basic understanding of how you can have your own healing ministry. Do contact us through this blog if you need further clarification. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

#healingmiracles #elijahchallenge #healingencounterministry #HEM #albertkang #faithLine #twohandpunch #williamlau #signsandwonders #healthesick #injesusname #john316 #albertconnect

The Danger of Rebuilding Your Jericho

On one Sabbath Day, Jesus healed a very sick man at the pool of Bethesda. Then he left the man and disappeared into the crowd. Later, Jesus found the healed man at the Temple and told him something that would be of great concern to us all. He said, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.” (John 5:1-13).

Apparently, that man’s infirmity was due to his sins. And Jesus warned him that worse things would happen to this healed person if he were to return to committing sins again. In my pastoral ministry, I have witnessed many believers who continued to suffer stress-based diseases and infirmities because of sins, especially, those of unforgiveness, hatred and bitterness in their lives. In spite of being counseled by their pastors and elders, they continued in their vengeful pursuits. Their “Jericho” of sins had been destroyed by the blood of Jesus but because of unrepentant hearts, they quickly “rebuilt their Jericho” and suffered the consequences of their disobedience.

In the biblical narrative, the day that Jericho was destroyed, the Lord, through His servant, Joshua, put a curse upon anyone who dared to rebuild Jericho.
“May the curse of the Lord fall on anyone
    who tries to rebuild the town of Jericho.
At the cost of his firstborn son,
    he will lay its foundation.
At the cost of his youngest son,
    he will set up its gates.”
Everything in Jericho, that is to say the people and everything they owned within this evil culture, had to be totally annihilated. Jericho was a too great a symbol of antagonism to be allowed any rebuilding. If Jericho was to be restored to its previous glory, then all the evil deeds and God-defying attitude would automatically return. The worship of the Canaanite idols would be reestablished and the people would turn away from God,

That curse was a very serious one. For 500 years, no one dared to rebuild Jericho until the reign of King Ahab. A man from Bethel named Hiel rebuilt Jericho and most probably with the permission of the king. When he laid its foundations, it cost him the life of his oldest son, Abiram. And when he completed it and set up its gates, it cost him the life of his youngest son, Segub. As you can see, all these happened according to the prophetic message from the Lord concerning Jericho spoken by Joshua. (1 Kings 16:34).

Hiel was a blatant example of what an evil spiritual condition could produce – people who openly defied God. Such dark climate was brought on by an unholy union – King Ahab had married Jezebel, an idol-worshipping Phoenician princess from Sidon. This evil queen championed an anti-Yahweh movement and started to kill the prophets of God. Everybody in Israel was encouraged to worship Baal and Asherah until God raised up Elijah to correct the situation.

To prove his total disregard and the willingness to spit God on His face, Hiel belligerently rebuilt Jericho, only to realize that God meant business. He promptly lost two of his sons. This narrative serves as a warning for all of us not to take the words of God casually with a proud spirit of indifference. Like Hiel and later, Edom, some believers are just plain defiant. They believe that since God is the God of love, grace and mercy, He would never punish His believers. That is true if you are a genuine believer. Remember the couple known as Ananias and Sapphira? The judicial wrath of God came upon this couple when they tried to deceive the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:1-11). Elymas, the sorcerer was struck blind for a period of time because he defied the work of the Lord (Acts 13:11).

The disobedient spirit will try to find ways to out-think and outdo God. But the end-result is still the same – failure. Though Edom says, “We have been beaten down, but we will return and build up the ruins”; thus says the LORD of hosts, “They may build, but I will tear down; and men will call them the wicked territory, and the people toward whom the LORD is indignant forever.” (Malachi 1:4).

The Bible says in Proverbs 26:1 that a person is considered a fool if he were to return to his sins – “As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly”. Jesus our Lord clearly said to the man who was healed at the pool, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.” (John 5:1-13). There is a consequence if we rebuild our Jericho. Paul states in Galatians 6:7 – “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

Check this message about why we should not rebuild our Jericho!

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Breaking Unholy Soul-Ties

Soul-ties may give you a sense of deep spiritual fulfilment or they may plunge you into the deepest depth of despair. When relationships are baptized in the Agape love of God , they can be instruments for great blessings. With strong relationship and deep bonding, the idea of “one will chase a thousand and two will chase ten thousand” becomes a reality and God is given all the glory. On the other hand, soul-ties may be used by the enemy to destroy relationships and ultimately destroy lives. Learn what ungodly soul ties are and how to be set free from them.

What Are Soul-Ties?
Soul-ties are not as mysterious as they sound. The human soul consists of the cognitive part which is the mind, the feeling part which is the emotions and also the decision-making part which is the will. A soul-tie basically means that a person is relating well with another person in a deeper level of trust, admiration and appreciation. For example, the friendship between David and Jonathan: “As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” (1 Samuel 18:1).

There is nothing mystical about this friendship even though the words used sounded as though there is a supernatural merging of the two souls. It simply means that there is a deep trust and friendship between them. And their rich relationship has nothing to do with homosexuality. It is about true friendship and brotherhood. Don’t you have a friend in school, workplace or neighborhood whom you are very friendly with?

How Soul-Ties Are Formed
A soul-tie is formed when you start to care a lot for a particular person. You think about the person a lot, feel for him or her a lot and are willing to sacrifice anything for him or her. In short, you become deeply concerned about the person to a point of being in love with the person. For example, a mutual good soul-tie relationship is between a husband and his wife. For the believing couple, their soul-tie is the bonding of the Holy Spirit. Their love for one another is like a spiritual umbilical cord that ties them together as one.

Dangerous Soul-Ties
When does a soul-tie become dangerous? When you lose control of how you think, feel and react to a person. You become extremely jealous when the person communicates with others. Even if the person is your spouse, your possessive and demanding attitude makes the relationship unbearable. Your love for that person is now toxic and has turned into Obsessive Love Disorder (OLD). We believe this obsession would create an open door for demonic activities into your life. Even a relationship as innocent as the one between a parent and her child may have a hidden obsessive “bomb” embedded.

An Overprotective Mother
We knew of a single mother who had two young children. We could see that she was extremely protective of her children, to a point that emotional scars such as depression and anxiety disorder were showing in the children’s behaviours. We knew that those kids were wounded by their mother’s obsessive love. It was a genuine mother’s love but it was expressed negatively with heavy doses of manipulation, threat, demeaning criticism and emotional blackmail. We tried to help this mother by counseling, offering alternative approaches and lots of encouragement. She responded for a short while and then went back to her obsessive way again.

Now, after years of emotional punishment, the children grew up to become dysfunctional adults. Both children are having a very poor image of themselves and often suffered from bouts of uncontrolled anger, self-punishment, self-condemnation, deep depression and anxiety disorder. They no longer live with their mother and in fact, they avoid meeting her as much as possible. The toxicity of such obsessive soul-tie that the mother had upon the children is now bearing really sad, ugly fruits.

Unholy Soul-Ties Are Rampant
Unholy soul-ties can happen to any relationships, at any time and anywhere. A parent who dominates and refuses to “cut the apron string” from his or her adult child can create a negative soul-tie. The constant unhealthy meddling will negatively affect the child’s marriage and family.

Another venue where unhealthy soul-ties are regularly formed is at the workplace. Gossiping colleagues can create nasty soul-ties by causing you to bond with them so as to derail another colleague. Sharing secrecy or intimate stories with someone in the office, who is not your spouse, may create an unholy soul-tie that opens the door to seducing spirits. That is how most illicit affairs get started.

Subconscious soul-ties that need to be cut off are the memories of a long-time romantic relationship. This needs to be addressed immediately especially when there are romantic and sexual residuals in the mind. Even though the person may be happily married, this nostalgic romantic feeling and sexual fantasy with another person of the past can really hurt the marriage. An unholy soul-tie can harm a holy soul-tie.

Breaking Ungodly Soul-Ties
How are you going to break away from a toxic relationship or friendship? Here are four simple steps but they are not easy steps. It takes honesty and courage to go through these steps.

Recognition – Recognise that certain unholy soul ties are affecting your life. Identifying them is crucial because by going into a denial, you will only make the matter worse. One day, this ignored unholy soul-tie may rip your life and family apart.

Repentance – Repent to the Lord if you have unwittingly become the perpetrator or willing partner of an unholy soul-tie. Repentance has to do with not getting involved with the unhealthy relationship anymore. The intimate communication has to stop and all sexual fantasies have to be handed over to the Lord. When you tell the Lord that you are sorry then you must mean it.

Renunciation – Renounce the devil and break his hold over you. A long secret unholy relationship may have been quietly sustained by some evil spirits. We learned from some who have been set free from unholy soul-ties that they were not even attracted to the person. However, there seemed to be a supernatural force that drew them to continue with the wrong relationship.

Refill – Be filled with the Holy Spirit again and again. Let the presence of Jesus be with you daily. Your break-through may not be just a one-time event because the temptation will come regularly. It may be a series of victory by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is important to remember especially when a person is dealing with memories of past romance or sexual fantasy.

We recommend that you learn how to do the handing-over prayer and Christian meditation. These two spiritual exercises have helped many to overcome their personal struggles and given them spiritual victories.

Additional Things That You May Need To Do
You may need to end a relationship but you have to forgive the person who bound you. In some instances, the Holy Spirit may lead you to change your employment so as to break and separate yourself from certain toxic relationships at the workplace. You may have to get rid of certain physical objects and virtual symbols that remind you to your unholy soulmate.

Please remember that the blood of Jesus is still powerful and it can help you in overcoming anything. You have been given the power and authority in the mighty name of Jesus to break any power that is destructive to your soul and relationships. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).

Seek the help of your pastor, elders or cell leaders if you continue to have struggles with ungodly soul-ties.

Here is my 7-minute sermon excerpt of breaking unholy soul ties. I trust that it will be helpful to you or to someone you know who is in the bondage of an ungodly soul-tie. May God give you victory upon victory.
Albert Kang

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